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Recipes And How To Make Easy And Simple Spicy Stingray Stir-fried Fish

The stingray dish that we will present is stir-fried stingray which is easy and simple.

Stingray is one of the marine fish that has a unique shape and flesh. There are two parts of the meat, the inside is white, then the outer layer is soft and the fat is delicious. Stingray is one of the fish that has a unique shape because it is flat, but has delicious flesh and is delicious when cooked. In addition to the taste of this stingray, it turns out to be the same as other types of marine fish which are very beneficial for the health of the body. A lot of the content in this stingray is in the form of high protein, then low fat, and is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, besides that there are vitamins, minerals, iron, magnesium, potassium etc.

After knowing the many benefits for health, from now on it is better to try to cook it at home. For stingrays themselves, it is not difficult to find them because they are widely spread in traditional markets and supermarkets. Now, talking about stingrays, which have a lot of various preparations from this stingray, we will present something different in how to process and cook it, namely making sautéed stingrays that taste delicious and delicious, here are the steps below.

recipes and how to make easy and simple spicy stingray stir-fried fish

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make easy and simple spicy sour stingray stir-fry

4.9 206

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Easy and Simple Spicy Stingray Stir Fry

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 500 grams of fresh stingray
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 1 sheet of turmeric leaf, roughly chopped
  • 3 cm turmeric, crushed
  • 4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves, washed)
  • 3 cm ginger, crushed
  • 3 cm galangal, crushed
  • 5 star fruit, cut into pieces
  • salt to taste
  • enough flavoring
  • enough water
  • enough sugar
  • enough oil

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Delicious Spicy Sour Eggplant Stingray

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

  • 5 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 3 large red chilies
  • 1/2 teaspoon grilled shrimp paste

How to Make Easy and Simple Spicy Sour Stingray Stir Fry

How to cook

  1. The first thing to do is to wash the parei until clean, then cut according to taste, set aside.
  2. After that, heat the cooking oil, then stir-fry the ground spices until fragrant.
  3. After that, enter the lemongrass, then turmeric, turmeric leaves, then lime leaves, ginger and galangal, then stir until evenly distributed and wilted
  4. After that, just enter the stingray that has been cut into pieces, stir until the stingray meat changes color.
  5. After that, add enough water, then add sugar, salt and also flavoring, stir until smooth and eat so that the water shrinks and the meat looks cooked
  6. After the water seems to recede, then add the chopped wuluh starfruit, then stir until it wilts. Ripe
  7. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the recipe and how to make an easy and simple spicy sour stingray stir fry that you can try at home. The ingredients are easy to find and the method of processing is simple but still has a delicious taste. Serve this stingray stir-fry along with warm white rice, plus several other foods such as fried tofu, fried tempeh, etc. The sour taste of this stingray dish is unique to the delicacy of stingrays. Hopefully useful and good luck

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