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Fresh And Delicious Beet Grape Juice Recipe

Grape Juice Recipe  – Not only delicious eaten directly, but grapes can also be processed into a refreshing juice. When combined with other ingredients, serving grape juice will be more delicious and healthy.

You can add beets to grape juice with the addition of honey to make it more stable. Enjoyed when it's cold, of course it will feel refreshing. Well, for those of you who want to try making beetroot grape juice at home, see the recipe and how to make it in the discussion below.

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Fresh and Delicious Beet Grape Juice Recipe

Serving Drinks
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword fruit juice, healthy food, healthy food recipe
Preparation Time 10 minutes
Cooking Time 15 minutes
2 serving
Calories 154 kcal


Materials needed

  • 100 grams of red wine
  • 200 grams of beets
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 200 ml water
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 150 grams of ice cubes


How to Make Beet Grape Juice

  1. The first step that must be done is to wash the grapes. Please take the wine that you have provided, then wash it under running water until clean. Make sure the wine is free of adhering dirt. In addition, you can also wash it by soaking the grapes. After washing, please drain the grapes first.

  2. The next step is, please cut the grapes into 2 parts to make it easier when blending. When cutting, make sure you remove the seeds of the grapes.

  3. After that, prepare the blender. Then enter the ingredients that have been provided such as chopped grapes, beets, sugar and honey.

  4. Then add water and ice according to taste.

  5. After everything is ready, you can blend all the ingredients until smooth and even.

  6. Finally, you can serve it in the serving glass that has been provided. Serve cold to make it more delicious.

Benefits of grapes for health

In addition to its delicious taste and can be processed into drinks or food toppings, grapes also have good health benefits such as the following.

Prevent cancer

The skin and grape seed extract contain natural ingredients that can slow or prevent cancer, be it cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, lung, colon and so on.

Maintain Heart Health

Grapes contain flavonoids, namely rutin. Blood clots in the body under certain conditions. The routine content in grapes can slow the rate of blood clotting by inhibiting it. So that this grape has good benefits for reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Preventing Premature Aging

In addition to containing resveratrol, grapes contain other antioxidants, namely quaercetin, as well as rutin. These antioxidants can ward off free radicals in the body. Free radicals will cause damage to proteins, cells, DNA and cause the body's balance to be disturbed. Where because of this cell damage will be able to cause premature aging.

Good for Brain Health

Grapes are also beneficial for brain health. Resveratrol in grapes can help improve blood circulation to the brain. Blood is a source of oxygen and nutrients for the brain to function properly. In addition, based on research, the resveratrol content in grapes will help strengthen memory.

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See also: Healthy Fruit Juice Recipes

Some of the benefits of grapes for other health are:

  • Helps relieve allergy symptoms, as well as inflammation.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Keeps eyes healthy.
  • Helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Helps lose weight.

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