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Recipe For A Delicious Dish Of Cooking Potatoes With The Most Special And Special Soy Sauce That Tastes Great And Tastes Delicious

Potato is one of the vegetable tubers that must have been very well known and widely used as food ingredients.

The presence of endiri potatoes as a food dish you can easily find from small rice stalls to starred ones. Potatoes are known as a vegetable that is quite affordable and economical, so it can still be enjoyed by all people. Therefore, sometimes we also often buy and store potatoes in sufficient quantities at home, but precisely because of that sometimes we also make potatoes unused because we are tired of enjoying the dish first.

For those of you who often have excess potatoes and are bored with the same menu, maybe you can try this soy sauce potato cooking menu. This one dish can be said as a dish that is quite practical, and quite easy for you to follow. For those of you who want to try making a practical but delicious and steady dish of soy-cooked potatoes, then feel free to listen to the recipe below!

recipe for a delicious dish of cooking potatoes with the most special and special soy sauce that tastes great and tastes delicious

Recipe Name

The Recipe for Cooking Delicious Potatoes with the Most Special and Special Soy Sauce with a Steady and Delicious Taste
4.8 121

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

7 people

The Most Steady and Delicious Soy Sauce Cooked Potato Ingredients and Seasonings for Families at Home

Ingredients and Seasonings

  • 500 grams of fresh potatoes that are large enough
  • 1 large red chili, cut into slices
  • onion, cut lengthwise
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
  • 3 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • Fried onions
  • 250 ml cooking oil
  • Salt to taste

How to Make the Most Steady and Delicious Potato Soy Sauce Recipe for Families at Home

Cooking Steps

  1. Take the potatoes that you have prepared then you continue to wash your potatoes.
  2. After being washed, then you cut the potatoes according to your own taste. Clean again and set aside.
  3. Heat the oil in your pan and then continue to fry it until it is cooked and changes color.
  4. Once cooked then you lift and drain.
  5. Continue the cooking process by sautéing the garlic and onions until fragrant in the oil used for frying the potatoes. After you smell the fragrant aroma from your stir fry, you can continue to add the chili pieces to it and stir again until the ingredients are wilted.
  6. Take the potatoes you have and continue to put them in your cooking pan. Add the flavoring ingredients in the form of salt, soy sauce, and also the juice from the lime then you stir all the ingredients until all the ingredients are completely mixed until evenly distributed perfectly.
  7. Once cooked you can lift and put the potato dish into the soy sauce dish or bowl.
  8. Give an interesting decoration on your dish.
  9. Serve it to your family while it's still warm with rice to make it delicious and delicious.

How? Are you interested in trying to process the potatoes you have into a steady and tempting dish called potato cooking soy sauce. This dish has a very delicious and steady taste, especially when you serve it with rice.

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