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Smart Tips To Get Rid Of Green Vegetables Not Easily Rotten

Whether you deny it or not, it's important to include vegetables in your daily cooking menu. Because in addition to having good nutritional and nutritional content, the vegetable menu is usually a menu that is easy to make and fun to eat. Not only that, vegetables are often used as stock for food that always accompanies our refrigerators.

It's incomplete to eat a variety of food dishes without including a vegetable menu in it. Especially for green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, fresh vegetables, beans and many more. This series of vegetables is the type that is most often stocked.

It's just unfortunately, when storing green vegetables as food stock. Often they are easy to rot or wilt so that when they are about to be processed a few days after buying them. These vegetables are no longer as fresh as they used to be. So how to deal with problems like this? Is there a solution? No need to worry, let's look at some of the tips below.

smart tips to get rid of green vegetables not easily rotten

Do Sorting

The first important thing that you will be able to do is to anticipate that the green vegetables you store do not wilt or rot quickly. So it is very important for you to pay attention to the process of sorting the vegetable ingredients before you store these various foods in the storage area.

Thus, please remove the vegetable ingredients you bought and store them in a tray to make it easier for you to sort. Choose fresh vegetables and separate them in another container. Meanwhile, for parts that are wilted or rotten, discard these parts so they don't spread or mushroom on fresh vegetables.

Only then will you be able to put this material into the storage material. Also, avoid wrapping it in airtight wrappers. Because this will make the vegetables become wilted and moist. Instead, use a wrap that lets air in and out easily.

Vegetable Wash

Before the vegetables are stored in the storage area, it is very important for you to pay attention to the washing steps for the vegetable dish this time so that it does not rot or wilt easily. So that's it, after sorting all the vegetables you just bought. So the next step that is important for you to pay attention to is to wash this material evenly.

Bring fresh vegetables that have gone through the selection process to the laundry. Then clean this dish evenly using clean running water. Avoid using cleaners or soaps to clean this dish. Because maybe the vegetables that are cooked later will smell and taste less delicious than the soap used.

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Simply pour it under running water evenly. Then make sure the inside of the vegetables are cleaned evenly. When vegetables are evenly cleaned and exposed to water, this will prevent bacteria or fungi that cause rotting vegetables from nesting in them.

Pay attention to how to save

In addition to the two things above, another important way to avoid green vegetables so they don't rot easily is storage procedures that are important to pay attention to properly. This is because storing vegetables carelessly will certainly make vegetables easily damaged and it is not impossible that this dish will rot.

For that, let's look at some good storage procedures so that green vegetables are not easily damaged or rotten.

Place the cleaned and sorted green vegetables evenly in the storage container. Avoid putting vegetables in plastic bags because this might actually make the vegetables rot quickly in a short time. Try to use a basin or container with an open surface

After that, add dry paper towels to the top of the vegetables evenly. This is done to avoid vegetables from humid temperatures so that there is no liquid. Where as we know the liquid in vegetables will trigger the growth of fungi. Well, by putting a tissue on it, this will keep the temperature of the vegetables dry.

If necessary, coat the greens and cover with parchment paper. Only then roll this dish evenly. Or you can always use a dry towel. Where these two coatings have the same function as you store paper towels on top of vegetables.

Don't overcrowd the vegetables with other ingredients by the time you finish packing the vegetables evenly. Because this might make the vegetables stressed and easily damaged as a result when one part wilts then this will cause the other parts to wilt and rot easily. Arrange the vegetables evenly and make sure that you store them neatly when you add them together with other ingredients.

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Take Out Only Necessary Vegetables

When you want to cook and process the vegetable dish that you will serve. So you should not remove all the vegetables that you have arranged neatly. Because this might make vegetables difficult to store like they used to. In addition, this will of course make the vegetables you take out too much will probably end up being wasted.

For him, just take some of the vegetables you need and just take the amount you need. This way, you don't have to worry about cleaning up the remaining vegetables. Because usually returning vegetables in the same packaging as before after being scrambled will be a tiring job.

Replace the Tissue with Routine

The use of tissue that is stored on vegetables is not intended to permanently cover the vegetables you store. This is because sometimes the use of these tissues is no longer suitable for use and should be replaced. So, it is very important to check and replace the vegetable cover tissue regularly.

For that, check to the storage area whether your vegetables are still green? Then you will always be able to replace the wet or dirty tissue with new dry tissue. In this way, of course, the vegetables that you store will be able to maintain their freshness because you are very concerned about the storage process.

Store At Low Temperature

At room temperature, vegetables that are stored for a while will likely wilt and even rot. This is because the room temperature or high temperatures make the vegetables lose their freshness especially when there is no water that accompanies the vegetables.

So, to keep the green vegetables you choose fresh, it is very important to always store these ingredients in low temperatures.

At a minimum, place green vegetables above 18 degrees and make sure you always pay close attention so that the cleanliness of the vegetables is maintained. This will be the key to the vegetables you keep fresh.

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