Cooking Recipes And How To Make The Most Simple And Practical Serving Of Egg Chives But Delicious And Steady
Chives are known as ingredients that often appear and are found in various types of Chinese food.
Even so, there is nothing wrong for you to try to explore chives and make it a solid and delicious dish. In some diseases and health problems, chives can also be used as traditional medicines that are easy and inexpensive. Call it the problem of hair loss to skin problems, chives are vegetables and natural ingredients that you can choose.
Talking about dishes with basic ingredients of chives which are quite easy to find on the market, you can try a dish recipe called egg chives, which is the simplest with a steady and tempting taste. This one menu can be an option for those of you who want to taste the delicacy of chives or are also looking for vegetable dishes.
Cooking Recipes and How to Make the Simplest and Most Practical but Delicious and Steady Egg Chives Serving
Cooking Time
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Number of Servings
2 persons
List of ingredients needed to make the simplest egg chives dish
- 200 grams of fresh green chives, wash thoroughly
- tablespoon ground chili or chili powder
- 1 medium sized red tomato
- 2 duck eggs, beaten
- Fine salt to taste
- teaspoon powdered sugar
- 2 red onions
Steps and ways to make a simple and practical egg chives dish but delicious and steady
Ways of making
- Take the chives that you have and have been cleaned, then you cut them according to your taste, don't throw away the white root.
- Take some food ingredients then you thinly slice each, including tomatoes and onions, set aside.
- Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat, then you stir-fry some ingredients in a pan, including shallots, tomatoes and ground chilies.
- Add some food flavorings, namely sugar and salt.
- Pour a little water into the pan slowly then you cook until the chili is cooked.
- After that, start putting the chives into your dish, then stir until the chives wilt.
- Take the eggs that have been prepared and shaken off, then slowly pour them into the stir fry while stirring until the eggs are fluffy and evenly coated with the chives and other cooking spices.
- After a while and your dish is quite cooked, then turn off the heat and immediately remove the dish.
- Serve your sauteed egg chives on a serving plate that you have prepared from the start
- Give decorations to make them attractive and appetizing.
How? Very practical and easy, isn't it the process and steps of making this dish or dish? For those of you who are interested and want to try making this dish, you can invite your friends and your friends to make it together in your home kitchen. With a simple process, this egg chives stir fry dish still has a strong and tempting taste, so you can't miss the following dish.
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