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Recipe For Fried Cheese Cake Tape With Chocolate Filled With The Most Delicious And Simple Eid Special Dish

Tape is a type of traditional dish that has quite a lot of vitamins.

The vitamin value contained in this tape dish comes from the content of the ingredients themselves (tape or ketang) and the fermentation bacteria that help the process of making the tape itself. Tape dishes are often referred to as traditional and village food, even though tape is also a dish that has been widely recognized as a delicious snack in various countries, especially in Southeast Asian countries. In each location, this dish has its own name.

Talking about tape, have you ever tried to make a tape innovation dish in the form of cookies? Here, there is a tape dish made in the form of a pastry dish, which is a tape-fried pastry filled with chocolate cheese. Check out the recipe and preparation below.

recipe for fried cheese cake tape with chocolate filled with the most delicious and simple eid special dish

Recipe Name

Recipe for Fried Cheese Cake Tape with Chocolate Filled with the Most Delicious and Simple Eid Special
4.6 106

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 pans

Various Basic Ingredients Needed in Making Chocolate Fried Cheese Tape Cake, The Most Delicious and Simple Eid Special

Materials needed

  • 100 grams of cooking chocolate for filling, please cut into small squares first
  • 500 grams of cassava tape, separate the fiber then you puree
  • 1 chicken egg, break and beat first
  • 100 gram keju cheddar, parut terlebih dahulu
  • 2 sendok makan susu kental manis
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya
  • 100 gram tepung panir

Langkah dan Cara Pengolahan Sederhana Kue Tape Goreng Keju Isi Cokelat Sajian Spesial Lebaran Paling Enak dan Sederhana

Langkah Pembuatan

  1. Persiapkan terlebih dahulu sebuah wadah yang berukuran dengan mixer untuk mencampurkan bahan-bahan tersebut.
  2. Setelah wadah dan juga mixer siap mulailah masukan susu, tape beserta keju ke dalam wadah tersebut kemudian anda aduk semua bahan tersebut sampai benar-benar tercampur dengan merata.
  3. Setelah semua adonan tercampur dengan baik dan adonan anda bisa dibentuk dengan baik kemudian anda lanjutkan untuk membentuk adonan tersebut menjadi bulat kemudian anda tambahkan isian berupa dark cooking chocolate di dalamnya. Sisihkan terlebih dahulu.
  4. Take and beat again briefly the eggs that you have prepared previously.
  5. After the eggs are ready you dip one by one the dough that you previously made.
  6. After all the parts are evenly dipped in the egg you can lift it and roll it on the breadcrumbs. Make sure all the parts are covered by the flour.
  7. If you have finished rolling the dough on all of the breadcrumbs, then set it aside for a while.
  8. Prepare a frying pan and heat your oil over medium heat and don't let it get too big.
  9. If the oil is hot you can put the dough that has been seasoned with breadcrumbs into it and fry it until it is cooked and browned.
  10. Once cooked, please lift and drain for a while to remove the oil on the fried teape cake you have.
  11. Serve while still warm along with hot coffee or tea.

Also Read Recipes and Ways of Making Paris Lontong Cakes Serving the Most Savory and Delicious Pastries that are Special and Special

That's the recipe and how to make a dish of chocolate-filled cheese-fried tape cake. This fried tape cake dish is very suitable and appropriate for you to make and serve as a casual meal in the afternoon with friends or closest people and family at home. One dish is quite easy to make, considering the ingredients that you can easily get around and also the technique and method of making it which is quite simple.

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