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Recipes And How To Make Oyong Soup With Sweet Corn Which Is Delicious And Delicious

Oyong soup with sweet corn can be the menu of choice for today at home.

Oyong and sweet corn will collaborate into one, so that the dish will be even more special. Not only that, the addition of other complementary ingredients will make this vegetable dish taste more delicious and delicious.

The presence of this sweet corn oyong soup on the dining table will make your meal and that of your family more special, that's why you should try to make this sweet corn oyong soup at home. Well, for those of you who want to make it, you can immediately refer to the recipe and how to make Oyong soup with sweet and delicious corn below.

recipes and how to make oyong soup with sweet corn which is delicious and delicious

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn that is Delicious and Delicious

4.8 230

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Making Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn that is Delicious and Delicious

The main ingredients of Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn

  • 350 grams of oyong
  • 2 sweetcorns
  • 6 fish balls
  • 250 grams of chicken
  • 1,500 ml of water

Oyong Soup Seasoning with Sweet Corn

  • 4 dried chilies
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 scallion
  • Sugar to taste
  • 1 sheet of beancurd

How to Make Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn that is Delicious and Delicious

How to Prepare Ingredients and Seasoning for Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn

  1. The first step is to clean or peel the oyong that you have prepared. Then cut into circles with a thickness of 1 cm.
  2. After that, cut the sweet corn into rounds to the thickness you want.
  3. Next, cut the fish balls into 2 parts.
  4. Cut the spinach that you have prepared.
  5. Fry whole garlic. Then bruise.
  6. Next, soak the beancurd that you have prepared. then cut into squares.
  7. Cut the scallions to a thickness of 1 cm.

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How to Make Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn

  1. The first step is to prepare the pan. Then add water. Boil water over low heat along with chicken. Boil until boiling and broth. If it's like that, measure the broth to 1,500 ml. If so, boil the chicken again.
  2. Next, add the garlic and dry red chilies. Cook until the water boils and smells good.
  3. After that, enter the sweet corn that has been cut into pieces. Cook sweet corn until done.
  4. Then, add the oyong, fish balls, salt, pepper powder, fish sauce, and sugar. Stir until the spices are dissolved and cook until cooked.
  5. Just before the soup is removed, add the beancurd, sesame oil, and scallions. Stir until evenly distributed. Only after that prepare a serving bowl, then serve the cooked soup in the bowl.

Sweet corn oyong soup is ready to eat. You can immediately serve this soup on the dining table to be eaten with the family. To be more delicious, you can eat it with other complementary side dishes.

That's the recipe and how to make Oyong Soup with Sweet Corn. Easy and simple right? Good luck and don't forget to share this recipe with friends or those around you by pressing the available share button. You can also include comments in the field below.

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