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Recipes And How To Make Delicious But Simple Spicy Chicken Tongseng

The spicy chicken tongseng dish is a delicious dish that is suitable to be served in certain moments.

For example, during major religious holidays, holidays when the family gathers at home, celebrations, weddings and so on. This dish is also suitable to be eaten anytime and anywhere. No need to wait during the day or at night to be able to eat the delicious chicken tongseng. During the day or evening if the desire to eat tongseng comes to you, you will easily be able to eat it anytime and anywhere.

Well, if you usually want to be able to eat chicken tongseng, you often go out of the house and look for tongseng traders or stop by your favorite restaurant. This time you will easily be able to make it yourself at home. Thus, this will certainly save more expenses and the chicken tongseng that you produce more than you buy it outside.

Actually there are various kinds of chicken tongseng made, there are original chicken tongseng, chicken tongseng without coconut milk and so on. But this time we serve spicy chicken tongseng. This dish is one of the innovations in serving tongseng for those of you lovers of spicy dishes who are always tempted by spicy dishes that are so tempting. In addition, how to make spicy chicken tongseng is generally quite simple and the ingredients used are quite easy to find. After you have prepared all the ingredients and tools, you will be able to make spicy chicken tongseng at home. What's a delicious yet simple spicy chicken tongseng recipe like? We look at the following.

recipes and how to make delicious but simple spicy chicken tongseng

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious But Simple Spicy Chicken Tongseng

4.9 98

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Also Read Recipes and How to Make a Delicious Serving of Spicy But Delicious Goat Tongseng Coconut Milk


The Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious But Simple Spicy Chicken Tongseng

Main Ingredients of Spicy Chicken Tongseng:

  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 chicken (diced)
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 2 bay leaves

Smoothed Spicy Chicken Tongseng Seasoning:

  • 12 shallots
  • 8 candlenuts
  • 2 teaspoons coriander
  • 10 red chilies
  • 6 garlics

Spicy Chicken Tongseng Complementary Ingredients:

  • 100 grams cabbage (roughly sliced)
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 tablespoons fried onions
  • 10 cayenne pepper
  • 4 tomatoes (chopped)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce

How to Make Delicious But Simple Spicy Chicken Tongseng

How to Cook Spicy Chicken Tongseng:

  1. The first step you have to do first to start the steps in this recipe is to first pour the oil in the pan, wait until it's hot and add about two tablespoons of the spices that have been mashed and stir-fry in hot oil in the pan. Also add bay leaf and lemongrass. Keep stirring until the sauteed spices smell fragrant and the leaf spices become smoother.
  2. Next, if the stir fry has emitted a fragrant aroma, add the chicken pieces to the stir fry, stir briefly and add the water. Wait for it to boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Put all the complementary ingredients into the stir fry except for the fried onions and let it simmer until the ingredients just added are cooked through.

How to Serve Spicy Chicken Tongseng:

  1. When it is cooked, remove and turn off the stove. Gently lift the pan to a safer place.
  2. Take a serving plate and pour the chicken tongseng into it, don't forget to give a sprinkling of fried onions on top.

Serve delicious chicken tongseng while still warm. Make friends with warm rice will taste more delicious.

Also read the recipe and how to make Javanese beef rendang that is tender, delicious but simple

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