Recipes And How To Make A Soft And Savory Haruan Fish Team
It's time to try making dishes with the basic ingredients of haruan fish, namely the soft and delicious haruan fish team.
Fish dishes are indeed one of the most popular dishes, especially this fish has a delicious and delicious taste. In addition to the taste, this fish also has a lot of content that is good for health, one of which is the content in fish in the form of high protein, then the content of omega 3, vitamins, etc. Fish dishes are also one of the dishes to always serve with your beloved family at home. By consuming fish, of course, your family's daily nutritional intake and nutrition will be fulfilled. Especially for the child, this fish dish is very good, because it is good for the growth and development of the child and is also able to educate your child's brain. Maybe you have often cooked fish which is always the same, now this time we will try to give a different recipe,
Have you ever tried to make a fish team dish, in making a team this time we tried with the basic ingredients of haruan fish or commonly called cork fish. This haruan fish that lives in fresh water is one of the fish that is widely cultivated, because it has a good selling value and has a delicious and savory taste when cooked. Well, here we are trying to present a recipe and how to make a Tender and Savory Haruan Fish Team, see the steps below.

Recipe Name
Recipes and How to Make a Tender and Savory Haruan Fish Team
Cooking Time
Number of Servings
2 Servings
Ingredients needed to make Tender and Savory Haruan Fish Team
Ingredients and Seasoning
- 250 grams of haruan fish
- 3 red onions
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 lemongrass stalks
- 1 red chili
- 1 green chili
- 3 star fruit vegetables
- 1 1/2 tablespoons salt
- 1/4 tsp sugar
- enough water
- 1 lime
How to Make a Tender and Savory Haruan Fish Team
How to cook
- Haruan fish or commonly called cork fish is cleaned first, remove the contents of the stomach, then cut according to taste, then wash thoroughly. After that smear with lime juice, then let stand about 10 minutes.
- After that, the onion and garlic are chopped, then the chili is sliced and the vegetable starfruit is also cut into pieces.
- After that, all the baan is mixed evenly on the cork fish, add salt to taste, then let stand for about 10 minutes.
- Next, prepare a frying pan, enter the fish, then the water and lemongrass that have been crushed, then cook until cooked and tender, then add sugar to taste. ripe
- Remove and ready to serve.
That's the recipe and how to make a Tender and Savory Haruan Fish Team that you can try to make yourself at home. For haruan fish or cork fish, it is widely available in traditional markets or in supermarkets. Haruan fish team is very suitable when eaten while warm coupled with warm white rice also makes your meal very special. Hopefully useful and good luck.
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