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The Recipe For Processed Cassava Today Is Delicious And Simple

Today's Delicious and Simple Processed Cassava Recipes - Various delicious and delicious recipes for processed cassava this time you can make for family snacks. This contemporary cassava recipe is easy to make and of course the family will love. Let's look at the cassava recipe below, there are recipes for processed cassava cheese, cassava klappertaart recipes, cassava cup cake recipes and so on.

Other recipes: Cassava Combro

Recipes and How to Make Simple Cheese Cassava

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Processed cassava, cassava recipe, cassava
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
6 . serving
Calories 197.2 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 1 kg of cassava
  • 1 liter of ice water

Softened seasoning

  • 2 teaspoons coriander
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons salt

Ingredients For Sprinkling

  • Cheddar cheese to taste


How to Make Simple Cheese Cassava

  1. The first step that must be done is peeling the cassava. Please take the cassava that you have provided, then peel the skin and clean it. Wash the cassava under running water until it is completely clean. If so, set it aside first.

  2. The next step please cut the cassava with a rather large size.

  3. Then the cassava that has been cut into pieces please steam until cooked and tender or for approximately 20 minutes. If it is ripe and tender you can lift it.

  4. Prepare a container, then enter the ice water that you have provided along with the spices that have been mashed. Stir these two ingredients until evenly mixed.

  5. After that, please enter the cassava that you have steamed into cold water. Let stand for about 1 hour until the cassava is cracked.

  6. If it's like that, please take a frying pan and pour a large amount of oil. Then heat it up.

  7. Enter the cassava that has been soaked in cold water, fry using medium heat until cooked and the color changes to brownish yellow. Then please lift and drain it first.

  8. Finally, you can serve it in the serving place that you have provided. Then sprinkle with cheese on top. You can sprinkle cheese in large quantities so that this cassava cheese dish is more special and delicious.

A simple cheese cassava dish, the family's favorite snack, has been made. In order to get a more delicious cassava cheese dish, you should choose soft cassava. In addition, by choosing soft cassava also the results will be maximized.

Recipes and How to Make Delicious Cassava Klappertaart

the recipe for processed cassava today is delicious and simple

Materials needed

  • 500 grams of cassava
  • 350 grams of young coconut
  • 600 ml liquid milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 80 grams of margarine
  • 1/3 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 200 grams of edam cheese
  • Enough water
  • Margarine to taste

How to Make Cassava Klappertaart

  1. First, please take the cassava that has been provided. Then peel and wash thoroughly under running water. If so, cut it into several pieces.
  2. After that, please prepare the steamer and steam the cassava until it is cooked and the texture is soft. If it's like that, please refine it. Then set aside.
  3. In a container, please mix the ingredients such as sugar, liquid milk, margarine and mashed cassava. Stir well, then cook the mixture of these ingredients until it becomes mush.
  4. Then add the young coconut meat along with the egg yolk and vanilla powder. Cook while stirring until evenly distributed. Cook the mixture until it boils.
  5. Take a pyrex pan and spread margarine evenly. Then put the dough into the tin and smooth it out. Then on it please sprinkle grated cheese.
  6. The pan containing this dough please put in a container that has been given water. This is done so that the bottom of the klappertaart is not crusty.
  7. After that, please preheat the oven for approximately 15 minutes using a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Once hot, please enter the dough and bake for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
  8. When it is cooked, please take it out and wait for a while until it cools down.
  9. Next please put it in the refrigerator and wait until it cools down.
  10. When it's cold, you can serve it.

Also Read Recipe for Savory, Tasty and Delicious Peanut Spice Cilok

The delicious and special cassava klappertaart is finished. You can make this contemporary processed cassava for your beloved family snack. In addition, you can also use it as a selling idea.

Also read: Shrimp Bakwan Recipe

Recipes and How to Make Cassava Cup Cake

the recipe for processed cassava today is delicious and simple

Materials needed

  • 75 grams of margarine
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of grated cassava
  • 35 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 grams of dark cooking chocolate

How to Make Cassava Cup Cake

  1. First, please first cut the dark cooking chocolate that you have provided. If you have set it aside.
  2. Then squeeze the cassava and discard the water. Then for the walnuts please sliced ​​lengthwise.
  3. Next please heat the margarine. Then add the chopped dark cooking chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is dissolved. If so, let it be until thick chocolate.
  4. The next step, please shake the ingredients such as salt, eggs and sugar from thick origin. Then the dark cooking chocolate mixture, please enter it little by little while the dough is shaken slowly.
  5. After that, please add the baking powder and flour while sifting and beating evenly.
  6. Add the grated cassava. Beat until evenly distributed.
  7. Prepare a muffin cup tin. Then cover with a hard cup.
  8. Pour the dough that has been made into the pan. On top please sprinkle walnuts.
  9. Oven for about 25 minutes using a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius until cooked.
  10. Once cooked, you can lift and cool it first. Only after that, you can serve it.

The chocolate cassava cup cake has been made. The delicious taste and soft texture will spoil the tongue. You can also serve this dish on special occasions as a treat to entertain guests.

Also Read Special Cassava Cheese Recipes

Recipes and How to Make Thai Cassava

the recipe for processed cassava today is delicious and simple

Main Ingredients Needed

  • 1 kg of cassava
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic with salt
  • 100 ml water
  • 100 ml instant coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon glutinous rice flour

How to Make Thai Cassava

  1. First, please peel the cassava that has been provided. Then wash thoroughly in running water. Cut into sizes according to taste.
  2. Next, in a saucepan, boil 1.5 liters of water. Then boil the chopped cassava until half cooked.
  3. Then put the sugar into it and boil until the cassava becomes soft. If it's like that, please set it aside.
  4. How to Make Coconut Milk
  5. Please prepare a small saucepan and put the coconut milk into it along with salt and water. Boiled until boiling.
  6. Next add the glutinous rice flour, stir until thickened.
  7. Finally, you can serve cassava along with a splash of coconut milk sauce.

Processed Thai cassava has been completed. The taste is delicious and legit will make you addicted.

That's a variety of delicious and simple cassava recipes. Good luck.

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