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Recipe For Delicious And Practical Round Egg Stews For Suhoor Menu

Egg Stew Recipe - Eggs are one of the simple side dishes for the suhoor menu. Eggs can be processed into a variety of delicious menu dishes, one of which is round egg stew. These round eggs are stewed with a variety of selected spices and are perfect for enjoying with warm white rice.

If you are afraid that you will not have time to make this dish at dawn, you can prepare it the night before. When this dish is cooked, you can leave it for a while until there is no steam. Then the pan is closed so that the stew is not exposed to dust.

Not only practical, this method will also make the stew spices more pervasive. The next day when it will be eaten for the sahur menu, you can heat it for a while. Practical isn't it? Well, if you want to try to make it at home, here we present a recipe and how to make round egg stew for sahur.

Delicious and Practical Round Egg Stew Recipe for Suhoor Menu

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords : Suhoor menu, Egg recipe, Egg serving
Preparation Time 30 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
6 . serving
Calories 71 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 2 bay  leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 150 ml thick coconut milk taken from coconut
  • 300 ml of thin coconut milk taken from the coconut above
  • Cooking oil as needed
  • Fried onion to taste

Softened seasoning

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 red onions
  • 3 hazelnuts that have been roasted
  • nutmeg _ _
  • 1 teaspoon pepper


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. First, please prepare a pot and fill it with enough water. Then boil the eggs until cooked. If so, please peel it off. Set aside first.

  2. The next step, please bruise the lemongrass. Set aside.

  3. Grind all the ground spices as mentioned above. You can smooth it with a blender to make it more practical.

How to Make Round Egg Stew

  1. Prepare a frying pan that will be used for cooking. Then add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and heat it. If the oil is hot, the spices that have been mashed please put it in the pan along with the bay leaf and lemongrass. Stir well and please stir-fry until the aroma is fragrant and the spices are cooked.

  2. The next step, please pour the thin coconut milk into the seasoning stir. Stir until evenly distributed.

  3. Then enter the eggs that you have boiled before. Stir well until covered with spices.

  4. After that, add the spices such as brown sugar, salt and sweet soy sauce. Stir again until evenly distributed. Cook until the coconut milk is boiling and slightly reduced.

  5. When it's like that, please pour thick coconut milk into the pan. Stir until evenly distributed. Cook the egg stew until the spices are absorbed and the sauce thickens while continuously stirring.

  6. If it's like that, please lift it and serve it in the serving place that you have provided before. Then sprinkle with fried onions that you have prepared.

  7. The round egg stew for the sahur menu has been completed. Enjoy while warm with warm white rice and additional crackers to make it even more delicious.

As a tip when processing round egg stew, you have to keep stirring the thick coconut milk so it doesn't break.

Also read: Green Chili Seasoned Quail Egg Recipe

Thus the recipe and how to make egg stew for the sahur menu that you can try to make at home. Good luck and hopefully the recipes that we present to you are useful and can add to your collection of recipes so that you can serve a different sahur menu for your family at home.


Also read the Recipe for Sahur Sauteed Potatoes Mixed Ati Ampela which is delicious and delicious and how to make

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