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Tips For Choosing And Storing Good And Correct Chicken Meat

Chicken is the type of meat that is most often cooked by housewives when they want to serve a meal at home.

In addition, chicken meat also has a price that is not too expensive like beef and mutton. Not only that, the method of processing it is quite easy, and the variations of the preparations are quite diverse, such as chicken opor, fried chicken, chicken curry, chicken stew, soy sauce chicken and so on.

But even so, how to choose and store it should not be arbitrary, because if we choose and store chicken meat the wrong quality will be not good.

Well, below are tips for choosing and storing chicken meat that you can see.

tips for choosing and storing good and correct chicken meat

Tips for Choosing and Storing Good and Correct Chicken Meat

Tips for choosing chicken

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is, choose chicken that is still fresh or has no signs of bruising.
  2. In addition, you also have to choose chicken meat with a normal smell or not stinging alias does not smell bad.
  3. You should also choose chicken meat that has a yellowish white color. If you find or find chicken meat that is red or slightly red, it is because the chicken was dead before it was cut. Meanwhile, if the color is yellow, it is because the epidermis does not peel off when cleaning the fur.
  4. Make sure that you already have a subscription chicken seller, so you can be sure and trust.

After you choose chicken meat in good condition, then you also have to pay attention to how to store it. Do not let the chicken that you have bought becomes rotten or not fresh anymore.

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How to store chicken

1. Storing whole chicken

If the chicken that you store is whole chicken, then you have to separate the chicken innards from the other parts. If the chicken innards are left together, the chicken will not be fresh anymore or it will be easily damaged. Then, dry the chicken using kitchen tissue, don't forget to remove the fat if there is any. After that, wrap the chicken with plastic wrap. Then put it in the chiller or freezer.

2. Storing the chicken pieces

If the chicken that you save is cut chicken, then you have to divide it into packages. This aims to make it easier when cooked and avoid too much leftover.

You can store this chicken in the chiller or freezer. It's just that if it is stored in the chiller, the meat can only last for 1 day, but if it is stored in the freezer, the meat will last up to 7 days. Well, if the chicken is frozen, then you don't process it right away. It would be better if you disbursed it first in the following way:

  1. Remove the chicken that you store in the freezer about 2-3 hours before cooking.
  2. If you want to get better results, then you should not dip the frozen chicken in water because the texture of the chicken will be tough.
  3. Keep the chicken meat wrapped in plastic during the thawing time. This aims to avoid the meat is not contaminated by bacteria and others.

So, those are tips for choosing and storing chicken meat. May be useful.

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