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Tips For Choosing Fresh And Quality Salted Eggs

Are you a salted egg lover? Salted eggs are preparations made from duck eggs. This preparation is indeed suitable as a companion to the menu at the dining table.

Salted eggs are so delicious when eaten whole. However, apart from that salted eggs can also be used as an ingredient in certain dishes. Many delicious dishes are complemented by salted eggs. Which is where the presence of this salted egg will make it more special and special.

Not always salted eggs sold in the market are fresh and quality eggs. Therefore, when you buy it in the market you have to be careful because many salted eggs are old and stale. If you choose the wrong one, it will not only affect the dish you are going to make, it will also affect the health of you and your family.

When choosing fresh and quality salted eggs, you must first know what the tips are. Tips for choosing salted eggs can be done easily. Well, for those of you who don't know what the tips are, you can immediately see the discussion below.

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Tips for Choosing Fresh and Quality Salted Eggs

  1. When buying or choosing salted eggs, the thing you have to do is choose salted eggs that are still bright blue and clean. It is very easy to tell which salted eggs are fresh and which are not. Which salted eggs that are not fresh have a dull color or have black spots. This is due to fungal growth.
  2. Another way you can do is, put salted eggs in front of the light. Then, you can stare at the egg while turning it around. You can pay attention to whether the salted egg yolk is in the same position or has shifted. If the yolk has shifted, then most likely the salted egg is no longer fresh or has gone stale. You should also avoid choosing salted eggs that have cracked yolks.
  3. In addition, you can also soak salted eggs in a container that has been added to 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Salted eggs that are still fresh will usually sink. If the salted egg you are soaking floats, then that is a sign that the air pocket at the end of the salted egg has enlarged. The salted egg is a sign that it is not fresh and has been stored for too long.
  4. Split the salted egg that you bought and pay attention to the white and yellow color of the salted egg. Salted eggs that are still fresh, the whites and yolks still look bright, not dull and fresh. In addition, salted eggs that are still fresh are easy to slice and the texture is not chewy. When you peel a salted egg and find the white part of the salted egg sticking to the shell, then you don't need to worry. The reason is, salted eggs that are still fresh have such characteristics.
  5. Salted eggs that are still fresh and of good quality will certainly be more delicious when enjoyed. You can also tell the difference when you eat the salted egg.

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Those are tips for choosing and buying fresh and quality salted eggs. May be useful.

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