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Easy And Useful Tips To Get Rid Of Fishy Smells

In addition to meat, fish is also one of the ingredients that are widely processed as a meal menu.

Fish have healthy meat and are rich in protein. Not only that, fish is also a food rich in omega 3, so that it will be very good for brain health and intelligence.

Fish can be processed into various dishes according to what we want. But maybe, some people feel lazy to process fish because of the fishy smell.

The fishy smell of fish can basically be reduced or eliminated. There are several ways you can do to get rid of the fishy smell in fish, one of which is by using natural ingredients. With these natural ingredients, the fish taste will certainly not be lost, the most important thing is with a certain amount. What natural ingredients can be used? For more details, you can see the discussion below.

easy and useful tips to get rid of fishy smells

lemon water

The steps to get rid of the fishy smell in fish using leom are quite easy and simple. Where the steps you have to do is to prepare the lemon in advance to taste. If it is ready, you can immediately squeeze the water. Then pour this lemon juice all over the fish before cooking the fish. This method is allegedly able to eliminate the fishy smell of fish. So that the lemon water used does not change the taste of the fish, before cooking or frying it would be better if you wash the fish again until it is completely clean under running water.

Vinegar water

In addition to lemon water, white vinegar is also believed to reduce the fishy smell of fish. However, the thing you need to remember is that when using vinegar to get rid of the fishy smell, you should try to use just enough vinegar. Why is that? Because the sour taste of vinegar can damage the taste of the fish you are about to cook.

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Orange peel and leaves

The leaves and orange peel can also help you get rid of the fishy smell that sticks to the fish. How to use the leaves or orange peel is quite easy, where you just boil the leaves or orange peel. Then use the cooking water to wash the fish before the fish is processed or cooked. For those cooked using coconut milk, then you can put 1 or 2 lime leaves into it. The addition of this lime leaf, besides being able to make the fishy smell of the fish disappear, will also add to the taste to be more delicious and delicious.


The fragrant aroma released by ginger will not only warm the body, because in fact the smell of ginger can also help get rid of the fishy smell of fish. When you process fish, be it fried, grilled, or cooked with gravy, then try to add ginger to the seasoning. The ginger that is used doesn't have to be mashed, because you just need to bruise it.


Apples are usually used as a dessert after eating, but apart from that, this fruit is also believed to be able to eliminate the fishy smell of fish. How to use it is quite easy, you just have to slice the apples thinly. Then put the sliced ​​apples into the water or oil to cook the fish. When the apple slices wilt, then you can immediately lift it. The oil or water used to cook this fish can absorb the fishy smell of the fish itself without compromising the natural taste of the fish.

Well, with easily available natural ingredients you can get rid of the fishy smell of fish, so there will be no more reason for you not to cook it because of the smell. In addition to the above ingredients, you can also use kemabgi leaves, garlic, turmeric and lemongrass leaves. May be useful.

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