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Tips For Cooking Chicken Liver To Make It Soft And Not Fishy

Chicken gizzard is one of the parts of chicken that is often overlooked, because it is tough in texture and smells quite fishy.

When processing chicken gizzard, many people find it difficult. When in fact, chicken gizzard can be processed into a dish that is so delicious and delicious or can be used as a mixture of fried rice.

Because of its hard texture and fishy smell, don't let it discourage you from cooking chicken gizzard liver. You don't have to worry because there are secret tips on how to process gizzard so that it is soft and not fishy, ​​so that the results of the dishes are more delicious, delicious, and savory.

So what are the tips? You can refer to the discussion below to find out tips for cooking liver gizzard so that it is soft and doesn't smell fishy.

tips for cooking chicken liver to make it soft and not fishy

Tips for cooking chicken liver to make it tender

The first step you can do is boil the gizzard first. Boiling the gizzard will make it softer and the fishy smell will disappear. After that, you can immediately process or cook it into a dish according to your taste, be it sauteed, cooked or so on.

In addition, you can steam the gizzard along with grated ginger until the gizzard is half cooked. This method will make the liver gizzard more tender so that it is easier to process.

If you want the liver to be processed into fried gizzard which is more savory and delicious, then you can first soak the gizzard in a mixture of butter and milk. Soak for 1-2 nights.

However, if you think the above method is long enough, then you can coat the chicken gizzard that you have prepared using fast food flour. This method will make the texture of the gizzard remain soft or not hard.

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If you are going to process the gizzard by roasting, then you don't have to do it in such a complicated way, because roasting the gizzard will make the texture softer. Before grilling you can season it according to your taste, only then roast the gizzard until it is completely cooked.

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Tips for cooking gizzard so it doesn't smell fishy

When you buy chicken gizzard, then you have to really pay attention to the situation. Buy gizzards that are still fresh, which means they haven't been stored for too long.

Arriving at home, it would be better if you immediately wash the liver of the gizzard you bought. Wash the chicken gizzard using running water until clean. Only after that, you can store it in the freezer if it will not be cooked or processed immediately.

However, if you intend to cook it immediately, then you can coat the gizzard with just enough salt and lime juice. Rub-rub so that the mucus that covers the gizzard disappears. After that, rinse the gizzard again using clean water.

After that, boil the gizzard along with the spices. Some of the spices that you can use are galangal, bay leaf, lime leaves, lemon grass, ginger, garlic, or turmeric if you are going to make yellow spiced gizzard. Besides aiming to eliminate the fishy smell, the addition of this spice also aims to make the gizzard taste more savory and delicious. If the gizzard has been boiled, you can immediately drain it first.

Now the fishy smell of chicken gizzard has disappeared and the gizzard is ready to be processed into various other dishes.

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Those are tips for cooking chicken gizzard so that it is soft and doesn't smell fishy. May be useful.

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