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Easy Tips For Sharpening Dull Knives And Scissors

Knives and scissors are tools that are always in every home.

Knives are usually used to cut certain ingredients or seasonings when cooking. While scissors are used to cut plastic, paper and so on. Both of these equipment are very important, for that their presence is always needed in every home.

However, if it is not used properly or is used continuously without any care, the blades and scissors will become dull or not as sharp as before. Even if it is used for cutting, the results obtained will not be optimal, even worse, it will hurt our hands.

easy tips for sharpening dull knives and scissors

Therefore, many people just ignore the knives and scissors that are no longer sharp and decide to buy new ones. However, did you know? It turns out that dull knives and scissors can get sharp again as long as we know how to sharpen them. Actually there are many ways that we can do to sharpen the two tools, but the existing methods only provide temporary results. Because after the knife or scissors are used again, both will be blunt again in a short time.

This is certainly very annoying is not it? For that we need a more effective way to sharpen knives and scissors. What is an effective way to blunt knives and scissors? To find out, you can see directly the discussion below.

Knife Sharpening Tips

Before sharpening a knife you must know what equipment to prepare. Where the material you have to prepare is a mug or ceramic bowl. If the mug or ceramic bowl is ready, you can immediately flip it over so that the bottom is visible. After that, sharpen a dull knife against the rough bottom of the mug. You can hold the tip of the knife, then rub it on the bottom of the mug until the knife is shiny and sharp again. To make it easier when rubbing, then you can wet the bottom of the mug using a little water until the ceramic becomes moist.

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In addition to sharpening, you can also remove the rust attached to the knife at the same time. The trick is to wet or wash the knife first. Then sharpen the knife until the rust that sticks is gone. Repeat the same steps several times while wetting the knife and the bottom of the ceramic mug until the rust is completely gone and the knife is sharp again.

Tips for Sharpening Scissors

Sharpening scissors is not as easy as sharpening a knife. If you go in the wrong direction when sharpening the scissors, instead of being sharp, the scissors are actually getting duller. If the scissors are sharpened incorrectly, they will become difficult to reuse. In fact, the scissors are most likely unusable and end up in the trash.

As with sharpening a knife, you also need to prepare tools. The tool you have to prepare is a bottle made of glass. You can use used drink bottles or used soy sauce. The trick is, take a blunt pair of scissors, then open the tongs and cut the neck of the glass bottle that you have prepared. Repeat this step quickly and repeatedly until the scissors are sharp again.

After knowing these tips, now you don't have to buy new scissors or knives because even old knives and scissors will look like new.

That's how to sharpen knives and scissors again. Good luck.

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