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Powerful Tips For Cleaning Burnt And Crust Pots Or Pans

Basically, cooking is an activity that cannot be separated from women, especially women who are married.

When cooking, of course, we cannot be separated from the tools for cooking, such as pots or pans. However, usually problems will arise after cooking, where the pot or pan used for cooking becomes charred or crusty. When faced with problems like this, many women feel angry and upset.

Cleaning a burnt or crusty pot or pan can actually be done easily and simply. However, not many people know how to do it, so they usually leave their favorite pot or pan in such a bad state.

We can clean burnt and crusty pans or pans by using natural ingredients. Well, on this occasion we will explain or describe to you all what tips on cleaning burnt pots and pans are like. With these tips are expected to help your work. So what are the tips or how to clean burnt and crusty pots and pans? To find out, you can directly refer to the discussion below.

powerful tips for cleaning burnt and crust pots or pans

Powerful Tips for Cleaning Burnt and Crust Pots or Pans

1. Hot water

When you find a burnt pot or pan, then to clean it you can immediately soak it using hot water. The scorched crust that sticks to the pot or pan will become softer, making it easier to clean.

2. Use vinegar

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which can work well in cleaning or washing burnt pots and pans. How to use vinegar to clean burnt pots and pans is quite easy, where the step you have to do is to prepare just enough vinegar. Then pour the vinegar on the burnt and crusty pan. After that set aside some time. Only after that you can immediately rub it using a sponge and soap until it is completely clean.

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3. Take advantage of vegetable oil

Vegetable oil that we usually use for cooking turns out to have other benefits. Where vegetable oil is believed to help clean charred and crusty pots or pans. Vegetable oil can help soften the crust or burn on both tools. How to use vegetable oil to clean pots and pans is quite easy, you just need to spread vegetable oil evenly on the pot or pan. Leave it for a while, only then you can wash it as usual by using soap, sponge and water until clean.

4. Baking soda and water

As we know, baking soda is very effective in cleaning the crust that sticks to cooking utensils. The way to clean a pot or pan with baking soda is to prepare enough baking soda and water. Then mix the two ingredients, stir until evenly distributed. After that, spread it on the burnt pot or pan. Leave it for a few hours to get maximum results. If you have, you can immediately wash your pan as usual until it is clean.

Another way you can do is to sprinkle baking soda directly on the pot or pan that you are going to clean, then let it sit for a while. After that, wash it clean.

That's how to clean a burnt and crusty pan or pan. Good luck.

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