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Banana Cornflakes Cookies Recipe The Most Steady And Tempting Pastries For Families At Home

Bananas are one of the most popular types of fruit for consumption by people.

It tastes delicious and the nutrients in it are very complete for the body to attract many people to consume it. The existence of bananas, especially in Indonesia itself, is quite numerous and abundant, both in number and in the types of plants themselves.

Because of the taste and ease of getting it, especially those of you who have the tree, sometimes it makes people quite bored to taste it, therefore we need a way so you don't feel bored with bananas, one of the virgins that you can try is to make an innovative cake dish with bananas.

If you are interested in this, here we will try to give you a recipe and how to make banana cornflakes cakes that are so steady and tempting, curious? Please refer to the recipe for pastries and how to make them below!

banana cornflakes cookies recipe the most steady and tempting pastries for families at home

Recipe Name

Banana Cornflakes Cookies Recipe The Most Steady and Tempting Pastries For Families at Home
4.8 107

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 pans

The Ingredients You Need in Making Recipes for Banana Cookies Cornflakes The Most Steady and Tempting Pastries for Families at Home

Materials needed

    • 50 grams of choco chips
    • 100 grams of margarine
    • 50 grams of palm sugar
    • 50 grams of cornstarch
    • teaspoon baking powder
    • 20 grams full cream milk powder
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
    • 100 grams of cold salted butter
    • 50 grams of powdered sugar or powdered sugar
    • 120 grams of corn flakes, coarsely crushed
    • 200 grams of low protein flour
    • 100 grams of Ambon banana, puree first
    • 1 egg take the yolk then you beat it off

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Simple Steps in Processing Banana Cornflakes Cookies The Most Steady and Tempting Pastries For Families at Home

How to make a cake

    1. Prepare a mixer in advance and a container large enough then you enter the margqarine along with salted butter and palm sugar for about 1 minute.
    2. After it is quite evenly distributed, you can start to put the bananas into the mixture, then you can stir until evenly distributed.
    3. Add the egg yolks into your mixture, then beat again until evenly distributed.
    4. Sift flour, cornstarch, cinnamon powder, milk powder, baking powder before adding to the dough, then you stir until completely evenly distributed.
    5. Also add the cornflakes and choco chips, and stir again until completely evenly distributed.
    6. Prepare a baking sheet and grease it with margarine, then spoon your dough on it and arrange it neatly before baking in the oven.
    7. Put in the oven to bake for 45 minutes using a temperature of 140 degrees until your cookies are cooked.
    8. Remove and serve the cookies, but before serving in a jar, you should drain it for a while.

How already know how to make and also recipe ingredients for banana cornflakes cookies that you can follow. The deliciousness of the banana pastries with the savory cornflakes is able to provide a steady and tempting taste sensation to be enjoyed at various times and occasions.

Also read other recipes: How to Make Elephant Ear Cake

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