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Recipes And Ways To Make Delicious, Delicious And Special Corn Vegetables

The rainy season has arrived. Usually in the rainy season hunger will be much more increased than the previous season.

For this reason, you must be prepared with the food menu at your home. Well, this time there is a delicious warm dish that you can easily make at home. Like what is the recipe for making delicious vegetable corn? Come on, see the recipe below.

recipes and ways to make delicious, delicious and special corn vegetables

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make delicious, delicious and special Corn Vegetable Vegetables

4.9 209

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients Needed To Make Yummy, Delicious and Special Vegetable Corn Putren

Main Ingredients of Vegetable Corn Putren:

  • 100 grams of baby corn
  • 100 grams of carrots
  • 100 grams of sweet corn

Seasoning For Vegetables:

  • 2 curly red chilies, coarsely chopped
  • 1 cm ginger, coarsely chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 3 tomatoes, halved
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon oil for frying
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 5 lime leaves, bone removed
  • 1 teaspoon tamarind
  • 1000 ml water

How to Make a Delicious, Delicious and Special Corn Vegetable Vegetable

Tips for Preparing Main Ingredients Before Processing:

  1. For the first time that can be done on this occasion is to prepare the main ingredients. This is very important because the main ingredients must be cut and cleaned first before being cooked and processed into a delicious dish. For that, you should prepare in advance the equipment you will use so that you have no difficulty when reaching it.
  2. Well, this time the vegetables to be cleaned are the main ingredients, namely by cleaning the corn. To clean this material, you can cut the corn in half with a knife and put the corn in a container and set aside temporarily.
  3. For sweet corn, you can first clean the corn cob, shell and corn hair using a knife. If the corn is clean evenly, please peel or comb the corn using a knife. You can put the combs or shells in a container and set aside temporarily.
  4. For carrots, please peel and clean the outside of the carrots. Once clean, continue to cut the carrots into round shapes. Adjust the thickness to your taste. Put the pieces back in the same container when you put some of the vegetables you cleaned earlier.
  5. Finally, please clean these vegetables using clean water evenly. When cleaning, try to slightly knead the vegetables so that the dirt can be cleaned evenly. Remove the cleaned vegetables and set aside temporarily.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Simple, Tasty and Delicious Sauteed/Oseng-Oseng Young Corn

How to Make Vegetable Corn:

  1. After the vegetables are thoroughly cleaned. Now we heat the oil in a frying pan that has been heated on the stove.
  2. When the oil is hot, please fry the garlic along with the curly chili, ginger and lime leaves. stir-fry these ingredients until it smells delicious and delicious.
  3. Then, put the putren corn into the stir fry along with the peeled carrots and sweet corn. Stir until these ingredients are half wilted.
  4. Add soy sauce along with ground pepper, salt, sugar, tamarind and tomatoes. Stir briefly and pour water into it. Cook until it boils and the ingredients you just added become more evenly cooked.

Serve this vegetable corn putren dish in a bowl to then be sprinkled with fried onions and eaten warm.

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