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Delicious And Simple Homemade Pumpkin Recipe

Pumpkin can not only be processed into compote, but can be made into a variety of delicious dishes. Let's make pumpkin with a variety of pumpkin recipes below.

Recipe and How to Make Fried Pumpkin

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword snacks, Pumpkin, Snack
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
5 serving
50 kcal calories


Materials needed

  • 1 small pumpkin
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Enough water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Enough cooking oil


How to Make Fried Pumpkin

  1. If the materials needed have been prepared, the first step that must be done is to wash the pumpkin until clean. You should wash the pumpkin under running water. If it's drained first.

  2. Next, please slice the pumpkin lengthwise. Pumpkin skin to be fried should not be peeled.

  3. After that please mix the spices with a little water. Stir until evenly mixed.

  4. Then the sliced ​​​​pumpkin please stir until evenly distributed with the spice mixture.

  5. Please take a frying pan and pour enough cooking oil. Heat the cooking oil.

  6. After the cooking oil is hot, please add the pumpkin and fry it on medium heat until it is cooked.

  7. If it is cooked, please lift the pumpkin and serve it in the serving place you have provided.

Processed fried pumpkin has been completed. Its soft texture with a savory and sweet taste will spoil the tongue. You can make this dish for an afternoon snack and you can enjoy it with a cup of warm tea to make it more delicious.

Recipe and How to Make Delicious Thai Pumpkin

delicious and simple homemade pumpkin recipe

Materials needed

  • 500 grams of pumpkin
  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 3 tablespoons palm sugar
  • 4 pandan leaves
  • teaspoon salt

How to Make Thai Pumpkin

  1. First of all, please take the pumpkin that you have provided. Then clean the pumpkin until it is completely clean. To remove the dirt on the skin you can use a brush.
  2. For the top of the pumpkin please cut with a diameter of approximately 5 to 7 cm. For the seeds contained in the pumpkin, please dredge it until it is completely clean.
  3. If so, please turn the pumpkin upside down until all the water contained in it comes out.
  4. Let stand for a few moments until the inside of the pumpkin is dry so that the filling will stick perfectly.
  5. The next step is to make srikaya for the pumpkin filling. Please take a bowl and put eggs in it. Then shake and add other ingredients such as salt, palm sugar, and coconut milk. Beat all these ingredients again until evenly mixed.
  6. Next, please wash the pandan leaves until clean and torn. You can put this pandan leaf in a bowl. Stir.
  7. If the color of the egg mixture is pale, you can sift it.
  8. The srikaya dough that has been made, please put it in the lamb. If you have, please steam until cooked or for about 1 hour.
  9. If you have a microwave, you can cook it in the microwave for about 15 minutes.
  10. When it is ripe, please take it out. Before serving you can slice the pumpkin. So that the taste of this dish is sweeter, you can use additional honey.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make a Tender, Delicious and Delicious Black Glutinous Putu Ayu Cake

The Thai pumpkin recipe is done. You can serve this one yellow pumpkin as a dessert menu or sweet snack for the family at home.

Also read: Geprek Chicken Sambal Recipe

Recipes and How to Make Delicious Coconut Milk Layer Pumpkin

delicious and simple homemade pumpkin recipe

Materials needed

  • 200 grams of pumpkin
  • 1/4 tsp chocolate pasta
  • 100 grams of sago flour
  • 500 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 350 grams of sugar
  • 25 grams of cocoa powder
  • 1,200 ml coconut milk taken from 1 coconut

How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. The first step that must be done is steaming the pumpkin. Please steam the pumpkin that you have provided until cooked. When it is cooked, please remove and puree.
  2. Next, please beat the eggs. Set aside.
  3. For cocoa powder, please dissolve it using 3 tablespoons of water.

How to Make Pumpkin Layered with Coconut Milk

  1. If the ingredients are ready to be processed, you can immediately make a layer of pumpkin coconut milk. Please dissolve the pumpkin and coconut milk. Then pour into the beaten eggs. Stir until evenly mixed.
  2. After that, please enter the ingredients in the container such as sago flour, wheat flour, salt and sugar. Stir all these ingredients until evenly mixed.
  3. Then please pour the coconut milk mixture while continuing to stir until evenly distributed.
  4. Please take 1/3 of the dough. Add the chocolate solution, as well as the chocolate paste to it. Stir until evenly distributed.
  5. Prepare a baking sheet measuring 18x18x6 cm. Then please grease the pan with oil and give it a plastic base.
  6. Next, please pour the white dough into the pan as much as 2 tablespoons of vegetables. Steam for about 8 minutes.
  7. After that please pour the chocolate dough as much as two spoons of vegetables. Then steam again for about 8 minutes.
  8. Do it alternately until all the dough runs out. Finally, you can steam the dough for about 25 minutes until it is completely cooked.

Also Read Manado Typical Panada Recipes that are Tender, Delicious and Fail-proof

The coconut milk-coated pumpkin dish is finished. You can make this delicious dish as a treat on special occasions.

Recipe and How to Make a Simple Pumpkin Cake

delicious and simple homemade pumpkin recipe

Materials needed

  • 200 grams of medium protein flour
  • 150 grams of pumpkin
  • 50 ml liquid milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 20 grams of cornstarch
  • 225 grams margarine
  • 4 egg whites
  • 175 grams of fine granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

Ingredients For Sprinkling

50 grams of cheddar cheese

How to Make Pumpkin Cake

  1. First, please first steam the pumpkin that you have provided until it is cooked and tender. If so, please smooth it out.
  2. Next, grate the cheddar cheese for topping. If so, please set it aside first.
  3. The next step, please blender the pumpkin with liquid milk. If so, set it aside first.
  4. Mix ingredients such as margarine, sugar and salt. Beat these ingredients until soft.
  5. Next, add the pumpkin. Beat again until evenly mixed.
  6. Please enter the eggs one by one while the dough is beaten alternately with some of the flour while sifting, and shaken until evenly distributed.
  7. For the rest of the flour, please put it into the dough along with the baking powder and cornstarch while sifting, and shaking it slowly.
  8. Take a baking sheet measuring 22x22x4 cm. Then grease the pan with margarine and line it with parchment paper.
  9. Pour the batter into the tin. Then on the top you can sprinkle grated cheese.
  10. If you have, please put the dough on a baking sheet in the oven using a low heat of 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes or until cooked.
  11. Once cooked, please remove and let stand for a while to cool slightly. If so, you can cut it into pieces.

The pumpkin cake is finished. Its soft texture and delicious taste will make you addicted. You can make this delicious dish for snacks at home.

Those are various pumpkin recipes that you can easily practice at home. Good luck.

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