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Cooking Recipes And How To Cook Delicious And Delicious Oyong Mixed Vegetables

Oyong is usually always the choice of housewives to be processed into vegetable dishes, this is because Oyong is easy to get at a fairly affordable price and easy to process.

This Oyong can be processed into stir-fry, vegetables with coconut milk, vegetables with clear soup with the addition of complementary ingredients as desired.

There are several complementary materials that are usually used, one of which is tofu. This vegetable mixed tofu is believed to have a delicious and delicious taste. That's why you should try to make it at home.

The process makes it easy and practical so you don't have to be bothered or confused. Well, below we provide a recipe and how to cook a delicious and delicious oyong mixed with tofu especially for you. Let's see!

cooking recipes and how to cook delicious and delicious oyong mixed vegetables

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and How to Cook Delicious and Delicious Oyong Mixed Vegetables

4.7 209

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Cooking Delicious and Delicious Oyong Mixed Vegetables

Main Ingredients Oyong Vegetable Mixed Tofu

  • 350 grams of oyong
  • 150 grams of white tofu
  • 1000 ml chicken stock
  • 1 egg
  • 1 stalk celery

Vegetable Seasoning Oyong Mixed Tofu

  • 2 cloves of fried garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • Sugar to taste

How to Cook Delicious and Delicious Oyong Mixed Tofu Vegetables

How to Prepare Vegetable Ingredients and Seasonings Oyong Mixed Tofu

  1. The first step is to peel the prepared oyong. Then cut the oyong in circles with a thickness of approximately 2 cm or as needed.
  2. After that, prepare the pan on the stove. Then add enough cooking oil. Enter the garlic that you have prepared. Then fry. After frying you can immediately bruise it.
  3. Cut the prepared white tofu squares.
  4. Take the eggs, then beat until loose.
  5. Finely dice celery.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Vegetable Sawi Putih in a delicious and simple clear soup

How to Cook Vegetable Oyong Mixed Tofu

  1. If you have prepared the ingredients and spices as above, you can immediately cook them. The first step you have to do is prepare a pot or other tool that you will use for cooking. Put the broth you have prepared into the pot.
  2. After that, boil the broth. Add the fried garlic. Boil the broth until it boils.
  3. Next, enter the oyong and white tofu. Then cook again until the water boils.
  4. Add the beaten eggs. Then stir until slowly.
  5. Add salt, pepper, and celery leaves. Stir well until the spices are dissolved. Cook again until all ingredients are completely cooked. If it is cooked, remove and serve in a serving bowl that has been prepared.

The white oyong tofu vegetable has now been successfully made. You can serve it directly on the dining table so you can eat it with your beloved family. If you want more delicious, you can eat this vegetable hot with warm white rice. Don't forget to add complementary side dishes such as tuna, crackers, chili sauce, and others.

That's the recipe and how to make oyong mixed with tofu. Easy and practical right? Good luck and don't forget to share with your family or other closest people by pressing the share button. Also add your comments in the column below.

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