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Crispy And Long Lasting Pastel Skin Recipe

Crunchy and Durable Pastel Skin Recipe – Pastel is one of my favorite snacks, it tastes very good with a crispy skin texture, delicious taste and attractive shape. Usually the pastel filling used is chicken and various vegetables, making pastels into a delicious dish. Especially if enjoyed warm, of course it will feel very delicious.

To be able to enjoy pastels there are many pastel traders that we can find. However, there is nothing wrong if you make it yourself at home. Starting from making pastel skins to making your own stuffing. No need to be afraid of failing to make pastel skins, because by knowing the right pastel skin tips, the pastel skin you get will be crispy and delicious.

Let's take a look at some of the crispy, savory and delicious pastel skin recipes below.

Recipes and How to Make Pastel Skins

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various snacks, pastels, fried recipes
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 45 minutes
12 servings _
Calories 235 kcal


Materials needed

  • 250 grams of flour
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 3 tablespoons margarine
  • Salt to taste
  • 150 ml cold water
  • 2 teaspoons sugar or to taste


How to Make Pastel Skin

  1. After all the materials needed are ready, the next step is to make pastel skins. First, please preheat cooking oil as much as 3 tablespoons. Then for margarine, please heat or melt it first. Set aside.

  2. Next prepare the container that will be used to make the dough. Then put flour in it.

  3. Then add hot oil. Then stir evenly. Stir the flour until it becomes granular like sand.

  4. The next step is to enter the margarine that you have been looking for. Stir again until smooth.

  5. After that, please add half of cold water. Then knead the dough until smooth.

  6. For the rest, if it's still not enough you can add a little more water. Knead again until smooth.

  7. When it is mixed evenly, the next step is to form it round. Then put the dough back into the plastic and place it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

  8. If so, please remove the pastel skin from the refrigerator.

  9. Please grind pastel dough until thin. You can use pastel prints or use your hands.

  10. Add pastel filling according to taste.

Making pastel skins must be done properly to keep them crispy. Then you can add stuffing according to taste to get a delicious pastel dish.

Recipes and How to Make Simple Pastel Skins

crispy and long lasting pastel skin recipe

Main Ingredients Needed

  • 500 grams of sifted flour
  • 4 tablespoons margarine
  • 60 cc of iced water
  • 1 chicken egg

How to Make Pastel Skin

  1. First of all, please beat the eggs that have been provided.
  2. Then prepare the container that will be used to make the pastel skin dough. Put the pastel skin ingredients into it such as flour, margarine, beaten eggs and ice water. Knead all these ingredients until the dough is smooth. Then let stand for about 30 minutes.
  3. Next, please form the dough into a ball. Then roll out the dough until thin.
  4. Then you can add the filling according to your taste. Then close it so that the filling does not come out.
  5. If so, you can fry it.

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This pastel skin recipe and how to make it is simple. You can easily follow this at home when making delicious pastels.

That's the recipe and how to make pastel skin that is crispy and durable. Easy isn't it? Good luck at home.

Also read: Krecek Recipes

Tips for Making Pastel Skins for Success and Crispy Results

crispy and long lasting pastel skin recipe

There are several tips that you should pay attention to when making pastel skin. Let's look at the following.

Pay attention to the dose of pastel skin dough

You have to pay attention to the amount of dough when making pastel skins so you don't fail in making pastel skins. The addition of salt and margarine to the pastel skin mixture will make the pastel skin more savory. The dough you make should not be too thin or too thick. If the pastel skin is too thin it will tear when fried. Meanwhile, if it is too thick, the pastel skin will not be crispy.

Using Ice Water

In making pastel skin dough, you should use ice water. Using ice water will make the pastel skin crispier. In addition, the results of the knead will be more elastic and not easily torn.

Knead enough dough

You should knead the pastel skin dough by hand. This is done so that the result becomes more elastic and soft. However, you should not knead the pastel dough for too long, because it will make the fat from the margarine melt. If that's the case, then the pastel skin will become less crispy when fried.

Grind Until Smooth

When the skin dough is finished, you can immediately roll or flatten the pastel skin to make it smoother. You can use a wooden roller or a machine to grind the noodles to thin out the pastel skin dough that you make.

If you use a noodle mill, you can use number 5. Meanwhile, if you use a wooden rolling pin, you just need to roll the dough until it's really smooth and the dough doesn't tear.

Also Read Tips for Making Thick But Soft Padang Omelet Eggs

Pay Attention to the Pastel Fill You Use

You need to know, pastel filling will also affect the crispness of the pastel skin. You should not make the pastel filling too wet, then put it in the pastel shell while it is hot. Because it will make pastel skin becomes mushy, and bumpy. Therefore, you should make the stuffing of the pastel skin the day before making the pastel skin. Then you can store it in the refrigerator so it won't make the pastel skin soggy.

Using Hot Oil When Frying

When frying pastels, you must use fresh oil so that the skin remains crispy and not mushy. Also make sure the oil is really hot before you put the pastels in the pan to fry. When the pastel is cooked, please remove it and drain it twice so that the pastel skin is not soggy and oily.

In addition, when frying your pastels, don't just flip the pastels. Because in this way the pastel skin will not expand. When the pastels have been put into the frying pan, you should immediately flush the pastels with cooking oil. In this way, pastel skin will expand, even making it look attractive.

Some Pastels Store in the Fridge

If you make a large number of pastels, you can fry them half dry, then store them in the refrigerator or freezer. If it is going to be served, you can fry the pastels again until they are completely dry. This way the pastel skin will remain crispy, and won't tear easily. Even if it has cooled the pastel skin will not become soggy.

So, so that the pastels you make remain crispy, you can follow some tips for making pastel skins as above. May be useful.


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