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Tips And Tricks For Processing Vegetables So They Are Not Bitter

Bitter vegetables are usually not much liked, because in addition to having a bitter taste it will also reduce appetite.

Bitterness is one of the most disliked flavors in any food. However, bitter vegetables do not mean unhealthy vegetables, on the contrary bitter vegetables have certain benefits that are good for health. There are several types of bitter vegetables, including bitter melon, radish, papaya leaves, mustard greens and so on.

Because they do not like the bitter taste, many people actually avoid these vegetables and prefer other vegetables. Avoiding these vegetables is not the right solution, why is that? Yes, because we can deal with the bitter taste that exists. There are tips and tricks to process these vegetables so they are not bitter when eaten. These tips and tricks can help you when processing the vegetables mentioned above. Here are tips and tricks for processing vegetables so they are not bitter.

tips and tricks for processing vegetables so they are not bitter

Tips and Tricks for Processing Vegetables So they are Not Bitter

Don't cook it too long

To get a softer vegetable texture, usually many mothers process vegetables for a long time. However, you need to know that all vegetables that are cooked too long will turn bitter. Some of the vegetables in question are, mustard greens and broccoli.

Knowing that, it would be better if you cook it in a short time. In addition to avoiding the bitter taste, cooking mustard in a short time will also keep its nutritional content from being lost.

Use good and correct cooking methods

There are some vegetables that have a natural bitter taste. However, if it is processed in a good and correct way, these bitter vegetables will be delicious when eaten. Several methods are recommended when processing bitter vegetables, such as sautéing using olive oil, steaming and adding lemon juice to dishes.

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Take advantage of salt

Salt is believed to have the ability to neutralize the bitter taste of vegetables. When you boil vegetables, then you can add salt to taste in the vegetable stew. However, especially for bitter melon vegetables, there is a special way that you have to do to overcome the bitter taste, namely splitting the bitter gourd to be processed, then mix the salt on the bitter gourd. After that you can squeeze it by hand until the bitter melon looks wilted. Let stand a few moments, only after that you can immediately process it.

Mix with other vegetables

In addition, steps you can take to get rid of the bitter taste of vegetables are mixing them with other vegetables. For example, boiling papaya leaves that have been mixed with cassava leaves. If both have been boiled, you can immediately squeeze it until the bitter taste is dissolved along with the water.

Mix the seeds

Prepare guava leaves to taste, then knead the seed leaves and boil together with bitter vegetables. It is believed that guava leaves can neutralize the bitter taste of vegetables.

Take advantage of cashew leaves

In addition to guava leaves, cashew leaves can also be used to eliminate the bitter taste of vegetables, especially papaya leaves. The trick is to boil papaya leaves together with cashew leaves. Boil papaya leaves until cooked while turning. If it is ripe, you can immediately lift it and throw away the cashew leaves.

Those are tips and tricks for processing vegetables so they are not bitter. Good luck.

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