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Recipes And How To Make A Delicious And Soft Messes Bread Pudding

Meses white bread pudding is a special dish that you should try at home.

The delicious taste and sweet sensation that is so tempting will make your tongue always be pampered with a delicious soft sensation.

Well, so that you are no longer curious as to what the recipe for making a delicious plain bread pudding dish is like. So no need to worry, this recipe will guide you to make a delicious dish. Check out this plain bread pudding recipe below.

recipes and how to make a delicious and soft messes bread pudding

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Soft Messes Bread Pudding

4.9 215

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 pan

Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious and Soft Messes Bread Pudding

Ingredients For Pudding:

  • 1 pack of white bread
  • 250 gr liquid full cream milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tsp butter
  • 5 tsp sugar
  • 1 sachet of white Indomilk sachet milk
  • 1 sachet white dancow milk

How to Make a Delicious and Soft Messes Bread Pudding

How to Prepare Ingredients:

  1. The first thing that can be done is to prepare some of the ingredients that will be used to make the pudding dough this time. The point of preparing here is that some of the ingredients here need to be processed first before being mixed into a dough that is ready to make pudding.
  2. The first ingredient that will be prepared in advance is the white bread that you have prepared. Place the white bread on a plate or cutting board and remove the edges using a knife evenly. Do this step slowly, so that later the white part of the cake is not eroded.
  3. Next, for the butter. Put the butter in a frying pan or Teflon and then heat it over medium heat and stir until the butter melts or melts evenly. After that, remove and set aside for a while so that the butter becomes warmer.
  4. For the rest of the other ingredients, you only need to set aside the remaining ingredients because these ingredients can be directly mixed with other ingredients to make dough.

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How to Make Meses Bread Pudding:

  1. Prepare a pan or Teflon, then put some ingredients into it such as liquid milk, milk sachets, granulated sugar and stir evenly until all the ingredients are mixed and the sugar dissolves together with the milk.
  2. After that, pour this milk mixture into the bread and stir until evenly distributed until it becomes soft like porridge. Then put dancow milk in it. Stir again until the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  3. After that, beat the eggs until loose along with the butter that has been melted evenly, put this mixture into the bread and mix again.
  4. After all the ingredients are mixed evenly, please put the dough into a non-sticky plastic container. Pour the dough slowly and if possible you should not let the dough fill the pan to the top so that later when the dough rises it doesn't scatter out. Sprinkle the top using messes evenly.
  5. Then, steam the dough in the pan for about 30 minutes or until the pudding is cooked.

Once cooked, remove this dish from the steamer and cool it in the refrigerator first to make it cooler. Then, this dish will be ready to be enjoyed and served to the family at home.

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