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Recipe For Stir-fried Spinach Mushrooms That Are Delicious And Healthy And How To Make A Simple One

You can make this mushroom spinach stir fry at home as a family meal, healthy spinach will combine with delicious mushroom so that it will produce a dish that is so delicious and special.

What's more, this sauteed mushroom spinach uses selected special herbs and spices that will make the dish more savory and appetizing.

This mushroom spinach stir fry is the creation of spinach-based preparations. The process of making it is quite simple so you can make it easily at home. You can easily get the ingredients and spices you need in traditional markets and of course at an affordable price. Well, why make expensive dishes if there are cheaper and tastier dishes?

If you want to make sauteed mushroom spinach at home, as a guide so you don't feel confused, below we provide a delicious and healthy recipe for sautéed mushroom spinach and a simple way to make it. What are you waiting for? Let's take a look at the discussion below.

recipe for stir-fried spinach mushrooms that are delicious and healthy and how to make a simple one

Recipe Name

Simple and Healthy Spinach Mushroom Stir Fry Recipe and a Simple Way to Make

4.9 220

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients and Seasonings Needed To Make Stir-fried Spinach Mushrooms That Are Delicious and Healthy

Main Ingredients Sauteed Spinach Mushroom

  • 200 grams of spinach
  • 50 grams of mushroom
  • 1/4 of an onion
  • 2 large red chilies
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons of fried oil

Seasoning Stir-fried Spinach Mushrooms

  • 3 red onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon chicken stock powder

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How to Make Stir-fried Spinach Mushrooms that are Delicious and Healthy

How to Prepare Mushroom Spinach Sauteed Ingredients and Seasonings

  1. If the required ingredients and spices are complete, then the step that must be taken is to wash the spinach that you have prepared. Then wash and drain.
  2. Then, cut the mushroom into two parts.
  3. Then, finely chop the onion and finely chop the onion and garlic.
  4. Remove the seeds of the red chilies, then slice in a diagonal direction.

How to Make/Cook Stir-fried Spinach Mushrooms

  1. After completing the steps above, now you enter the cooking stage. Where the steps you have to do is heat the cooking oil that has been prepared in advance. Then saute the chopped onions, shallots and garlic. Stir until evenly distributed until you can smell the aroma.
  2. When it's done, add the red chilies and mushroom. Stir again until evenly distributed.
  3. Next add the spinach. Stir and cook spinach until half wilted.
  4. After that, season with spices such as salt, sand, chicken stock powder and ground pepper. Stir again until evenly distributed so that the spices infuse.
  5. Then pour water. Cook until all ingredients are completely cooked. If it is cooked you can lift and serve.

This mushroom spinach stir fry recipe can be used as a reference for those of you who are bored with the same processed spinach. Well, if you have finished making this mushroom spinach stir fry then you can serve it at the dining table warm by eating it with warm rice. To be more special, also complete it with other complementary side dishes.

That's a delicious and healthy recipe for sauteed mushroom spinach and a simple way to make it. Very easy to follow right? Let's spread this recipe to all friends and the people around, the way is by clicking the share button.

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