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Strawberry Cream Puff Recipe

Strawberry Cream Puff Recipe – Puff pastry is one of the snacks with a very delicious sweet and creamy taste. In general, puff pastry is often used as a dessert or dessert dish. In addition, puff pastry can also be used as a snack as a friend to drink tea or coffee.

The basic taste of puff pastry itself is actually quite simple with a sweet and creamy taste which is a mixture of sugar and milk. Therefore, puff pastry is often combined with other raw materials to add flavor.

In this recipe, we will present a strawberry cream puff recipe with a combination of the sweet and creamy taste of the eclairs with the natural freshness of the strawberry. How to make this strawberry puff is also very easy and practical so you can try it at home.

Let's see how to make puff pastry with strawberry filling below!

Strawberry Cream Puff Recipe

The delicacy of strawberry cream puff is always appetizing. The combination of the creamy sweet taste of the milk skin with the freshness of the strawberry that you taste when you eat this cake makes it popular with many people. Turns out, you can easily make strawberry cream puffs at home. Of course, this strawberry cream puff is perfect for serving as a snack or dessert.

Dessert , Snack
French cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, strawberry puff recipe, strawberry cream puff
Cooking Time 1 hour
Serving 10 pieces


Ingredients To Make Puff Skin:

  • 140 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 90 grams of butter
  • 150 ml liquid milk
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • powdered sugar to taste

Ingredients for Making Stuffing:

  • 250 grams of sliced ​​strawberries with small sizes
  • 300 ml cream
  • 30 grams of powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


How to make cake skin:

  1. Take a pan, add butter, sugar and milk. Stir while cooking over medium heat until combined and boiling.

  2. Add the flour to the milk mixture while continuing to cook. Stir quickly until a dough is formed that is smooth and does not stick to the pan. Pour the batter into the container.

  3. Prepare a mixer, stir the dough on medium speed until the hot steam is gone.

  4. While continuing to stir, add the eggs one at a time into the mixture. Beat until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

  5. After the dough is well mixed, put it in a plastic triangle.

  6. Prepare a flat baking sheet, line it with baking paper.

  7. Spray the milk mixture onto a baking sheet with a diameter of about 3 to 4 centimeters. Arrange the dough with a distance of 3 cm.

  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and bake for 30 minutes. After that, lower the oven temperature to 100 degrees Celsius until the cake dough becomes dry then remove and let cool.

How to make cake filling:

  1. In a bowl or container, mix cream, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Beat with a mixer until the dough has a slightly stiff texture, set aside.

  2. Put the stuffing dough into a plastic triangle.

Final Process:

  1. Split the eclairs in a transverse position until it is split in two.

  2. Spray the filling mixture onto the bottom of the eclairs, sprinkle with the strawberry filling, then cover with the top of the eclairs that have been split earlier.

  3. Sprinkle the strawberry cream puff with powdered sugar and put the strawberry slices on top, serve.

How? Surely you are very interested in making strawberry puffs that are very appetizing!

(Also read: Fortune Cookies Recipe)

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