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Prevent Corona Virus, Here's A Ginger Mint Ginger Recipe To Increase Body Endurance

Maintaining the immune system is very important to do to avoid various diseases, including Corona virus infection. A strong immune condition can help the body not to be easily infected by various viral diseases.

There are many ways that can be done to increase endurance, such as eating nutritious foods, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and consuming herbal drinks are also known to increase endurance. Especially drinks from natural ingredients such as ginger, turmeric, lemongrass and so on.

Well, below we present a recipe for ginger and mint herbal drink to increase endurance. However, before knowing the recipe, consider the benefits of ginger to increase endurance below.

Benefits of Temulawak To Increase Body Endurance

Temulawak is one of the spices that is believed to have good health benefits. Besides being useful for increasing appetite, ginger also contains curcumin which can help overcome inflammation, and help boost the body's immune system.

Currently temulawak is popular because it is known that the curcumin content in ginger can prevent the Corona virus. Although in fact there has been no further research on the effects of consuming this spice to prevent the Corona virus, the potential of ginger to prevent the Corona virus is not entirely wrong. Corona virus can easily attack people with low immune systems.

Consuming temulawak to prevent the Corona virus or Covid-19 will be able to help. Consumption of temulawak with curcumin in it is expected to increase the body's resistance. The condition of a good immune system will make us immune to bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

In addition, temulawak is also useful for helping to overcome digestive system problems, anticonvulsant drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, prevent cancer and prevent viral and bacterial infections.

Also Read Recipes and How To Make Empon-Empon Herbs To Prevent Corona Virus

See also: Empon-Empon Herbal Recipes

You can process Temulawak into herbal drinks that are added with various other ingredients such as ginger and mint. Below is how to make a ginger and mint herbal drink to increase endurance.

Ginger Mint Ginger Recipe To Increase Body Endurance

Serving Drinks
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords herbal drink, healthy drink, traditional drink
Preparation Time 10 minutes
Cooking Time 15 minutes
1 serving


Ingredients Needed To Make Ginger Mint Ginger Herbal Drink

  • 2 slices of ginger
  • 1 piece of palm sugar
  • 10 thin slices of ginger
  • Enough water
  • Salt to taste
  • 8 sprigs of mint leaves
  • 1 lime _


How to Make Ginger Mint Ginger Herbal Drink

  1. The first step you have to do is wash the ingredients you have provided such as ginger, ginger and mint leaves. If it has been washed clean, please drain it first.

  2. Next, peel the ginger and ginger until clean. Then you can geprek these two ingredients.

  3. After that, please provide a small pot to boil the ingredients. Then enter the ingredients such as ginger, ginger, palm sugar and enough water. Boil until the water boils.

  4. Then please strain the cooking water and put it in a glass.

  5. If you have, you can add lime juice and mint leaves.

  6. Then you can serve this drink. You can drink it while it's warm.

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That's how to make a ginger mint herbal drink. Besides being easy to make, this one drink also has many health benefits, including preventing viral and bacterial infections that cause disease, one of which is the Corona virus.

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