Tips Or Ways To Prevent And Overcome Rust That Sticks To Kitchen Tools
Everyone wants all their kitchen utensils to always be clean and look new.
But unfortunately, the cooking process, improper care and storage often make the tools in the kitchen not what we want. Where usually the problem that will arise is rust.
Rusty kitchen utensils will usually be immediately thrown away by the owner because they are considered dangerous. So do you have to buy kitchen tools all the time? Of course not, because rusty kitchen utensils or cooking utensils can still be cleaned with the tips or methods that we describe below.
Tips or Ways to Prevent and Overcome Rust Sticking to Kitchen Tools
How to prevent rust on kitchen utensils
- Rust that is likely to occur on your cooking utensils can actually be prevented, where how to prevent it is quite easy and simple as follows:
- After cooking you must immediately clean the tool. Remove or free the cooking utensil from the remaining sticky or stuck dirt, because the dirt can trigger rust.
- After washing it, then before storing you have to make sure that the tool is dry. If the cooking utensil you store is not dry, it can lead to rust.
- If the cookware is made of iron, then when washing it try not to rub it too hard because rubbing too hard will damage the outer layer. If that happens, the cookware will rust easily.
How to clean rust on cooking utensils
If the cooking utensils you have are already rusty, then you can clean them in the following way.
1. Take advantage of lemons
Besides being useful for beauty, lemon also turns out to be effective in cleaning rust on cooking utensils. Where in the lemon there is an acid content which is proven to be very effective in shedding rust. How to use lemon to remove or clean rust is very easy, where you only need to prepare enough lemons. Then split the lemon into two parts, then rub on the rusty cooking utensils. After that, sprinkle salt. Then, scrub again until completely clean. Leave it for a while, only then can you wash it immediately or rinse it with soap.
2. Take advantage of vinegar
Apart from lemon, vinegar is also effective in removing rust on cooking utensils. The trick is, you just mix vinegar with enough water, then soak the rusty cooking utensils in the water for about one night. For the next day, you can rub the cookware gently and slowly until the rust disappears.
3. Take advantage of potatoes
This food ingredient contains oxalic acid which is believed to be effective in eradicating or overcoming rust. How to use potatoes to clean rust, namely, split the potatoes that you have prepared into two parts, then sprinkle with baking soda. After that, rub the potatoes on a rusty kitchen utensil or cooking utensil. Scrub until clean and rust is gone. Only after that, you can immediately wash it thoroughly using soap or dishwashing liquid.
4. Kerosene
In addition to these three ingredients, kerosene was found to be effective in eradicating rust. The method is very easy and very simple, apply kerosene on a rusty kitchen utensil. If so, you can immediately silence it for a while. After that, scrub with sand until the rust is gone. Then, wash the kitchen utensil until it is completely clean.
Those are tips or how to clean rust on cooking utensils. Simple isn't it? Good luck and hopefully useful.
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