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Secret Tips To Eliminate The Fishy Smell Of Catfish

Catfish is a type of fish that is much liked by the people of Indonesia, because this fish has a very tasty and delicious taste when processed by frying or in other ways.

However, behind the delicious taste of catfish has a very fishy aroma, even the aroma is difficult to lose even though it has been washed and processed. Therefore, many people think that processing catfish is not easy.

Many people prefer to buy processed catfish that has been cooked directly rather than having to process it yourself at home. And indeed in reality there are a lot of catfish traders that we can find easily.

However, what if at that time you get a live catfish that has not been processed? Of course it's a shame, isn't it if you just leave it alone? Therefore, you must know what tips to process catfish so as not to smell fishy.

Actually, there are secret tips on how to get rid of the fishy smell in catfish. These tips are very useful and useful for all of you catfish lovers. So what are the tips? Well, to find out you can immediately see the discussion below.

secret tips to eliminate the fishy smell of catfish

Secret Tips to Eliminate the Fishy Smell of Catfish

Washing Technique

After you buy catfish, then you should immediately wash the catfish until it is really clean so that the mucus contained in the catfish disappears. It would be better if you wash the catfish in running water. After that, cut the catfish fins on the right and left of the gills. The fins contain poison that will hurt the hands. If you can wash catfish properly and cleanly, then catfish will not smell fishy.

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Slicing Technique

When the washed catfish is about to be cooked or processed, always use good and correct slicing techniques. The way to cut it is to start from the back of the catfish's head to the back of its tail or follow the groove of the bone line. In addition to removing the fishy smell, slicing in this way will also make the spices absorb perfectly and the fish will cook faster.

Clean Innards

Before the catfish is seasoned, you should first clean the innards contained in the catfish. Clean the innards as clean as possible, because the innards are the main source of the fishy smell in catfish.

How to clean catfish innards, namely, cut the catfish about 0.5 or 1 cm just behind the catfish patil so that the glandular sac is visible. Then remove the black gland pouch. When taking it out, try not to break it. Do this on both sides of the patel.


So that the catfish does not smell fishy when processed, then you can give it a kitchen spice so that the catfish does not smell fishy anymore. You can marinate catfish in seasonings such as salt, shallots, lime or lemon, turmeric and coriander. Add a little water to the seasoning so that the catfish can be submerged perfectly. Soak the catfish for about 15 minutes. Only after that, you can immediately process it according to taste.

That's the secret tips to get rid of the fishy smell in catfish. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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