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Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Caterpillars In Broccoli And How To Cook Broccoli So That The Vitamins Are Not Lost

Caterpillars that nest in broccoli is indeed a common thing we find.

However, the problem is where the caterpillar will be very difficult to clean. Need a special way that must be done to eradicate the caterpillar perfectly. Where on this occasion we will describe tips to eradicate caterpillars in broccoli.

In addition to tips on getting rid of caterpillars, we also present how to cook broccoli so that the vitamins are not lost, because as we know broccoli is a vegetable that contains a lot of vitamins, but the vitamins will be easily lost when cooked.

Well, below are tips to eradicate caterpillars in broccoli and how to cook broccoli so that the vitamins are not lost.

effective tips to get rid of caterpillars in broccoli and how to cook broccoli so that the vitamins are not lost

Effective Tips to Get Rid of Caterpillars in Broccoli

This method is the easiest way to get rid of the caterpillars in broccoli. Where the first step you have to do is, you have to prepare enough water and salt. Then put the salt you prepared into the water. Then soak the broccoli in the salt water. When soaking it, hopefully you have to cut it first.

Soaking broccoli in water usually won't let the caterpillars lodged in the broccoli come out. If you use and use salt water, you can prove the results. The nesting caterpillar will faint and float on the surface of the water. Only then will it die.

This situation is caused because the salt water has a higher degree of concentration than the liquid in the caterpillar's body. Therefore, salt water will enter the snake's body and will disrupt the snake's metabolism so that they will faint.

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When soaking, you are required to soak for 5-10 minutes. After all the caterpillars come out of the broccoli, you can immediately wash them using fresh water before cooking.

Those are tips to eradicate the caterpillars in broccoli. Below are cooking tips so that vitamin broccoli is not lost.

How to Cook Broccoli So that the Vitamins Don't Lose

Green vegetables usually contain vitamins A, C, E, K, iron and magnesium, which are very high. Where one example is broccoli, where this one vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals that have benefits or functions to prevent various diseases.

The content of vitamin C in broccoli is proven to be higher than citrus fruits. In addition, broccoli also has a high enough folic acid content.

However, the unfortunate thing is that all types of vitamins in broccoli are easily soluble in water so that approximately 50 percent of these vitamins will be lost when broccoli is boiled. In addition to missing vitamins, broccoli will also look unattractive, not fresh and very wilted.

So that the vitamins are not lost too much, it's best when you cook this one vegetable you have to steam it. Bring enough water to a boil, then store a separate cast-iron container over the saucepan. Then save the broccoli and steam for about 10 minutes.

This steaming process in addition to being able to maintain 70 percent of its vitamin content, can also help keep broccoli green.

Those are tips to eradicate caterpillars in broccoli and how to cook broccoli so that the vitamins are not lost. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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