A Simple Recipe For Making Savory Mullet Pindang
It's time to try the Pindang mullet fish dish with a delicious and savory taste.
There are many types and varieties of dishes, both using the basic ingredients of meat, fish, vegetables, etc. All the basic ingredients in cooking, of course, you have tried all of them, because by processing dishes that are always changing, your cooking at home becomes very varied. In addition to being varied in processing dishes, of course, to meet the nutritional and nutritional needs of your beloved family. But this time we will give something different, namely making balenak fish pindang. Mullet is one of the fish that lives in brackish water and its shape is almost like milkfish. In addition to the delicious and savory meat, this mullet is rich in nutrients such as high protein, then contains omega 3, calcium, potassium, etc.
Pindang mullet this time is very easy to process, so it is very suitable for you to serve it to your beloved family at home. Alright, without further ado, here's a simple recipe for making savory mullet pindang that you can apply at home, let's look at the steps below.
Recipe Name
A Simple Recipe for Making Savory Mullet Pindang
Cooking Time
Number of Servings
2 Servings
Ingredients needed to make Savory Mullet Pindang
Ingredients and Seasoning
- 1 large fresh mullet
- 1 lemon
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 sheet of lime leaf
- 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
- 2 kandis acid
- 4 red onions, sliced
- 2 cloves of garlic, sliced
- 1 knuckle of turmeric, finely sliced
- 1 sheet of turmeric leaf, tie
- 250 ml of water
Subtle Seasoning Ingredients
- 1 clove of garlic
- 4 red onions
- salt to taste
- enough seasoning
How to Make Savory Mullet Pindang
How to cook
- The first is that the mullet is cleaned first, by removing the inside of the stomach and gills, then cut into pieces according to taste. After that wash thoroughly and coat with lemon juice and salt to taste, let stand for about 10 minutes.
- After that prepare a pan, then fill with water and heat it using medium heat, then add the ingredients one by one except the fish.
- After boiling and all the spices are well mixed, then add the mullet that has been cut into pieces, then cover the pot, stirring occasionally. Cook until cooked and the water dries up. Ripe
- Remove and ready to serve.
That's the simple recipe for making savory mullet pindang that you can try to make yourself at home. The basic ingredients of this mullet are not difficult to find because they are widely spread in traditional markets and even in supermarkets. Pindang mullet fish has a characteristic savory taste when eaten that makes you feel addicted. Serve this pindang mullet along with warm white rice. Well, easy is not it? From now on, try to make this mullet pindang at home for you to serve to your beloved family. That way, after knowing the recipe and how to make pindang mullet, your collection of daily meals will increase. Hopefully useful and good luck.
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