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Tips For Cleaning The Mixer So It's Not Easily Damaged

Mixers are usually used to make cake dough. In order to be durable and long-lasting, of course, this tool must be treated properly, including cleaning the mixer properly and correctly. Cleaning the mixer must be done properly so that all parts of the mixer are really clean and free from dirt. Well, here are some tips for cleaning the mixer that you can follow.

tips for cleaning the mixer so it's not easily damaged

Tips for Cleaning the Mixer So It's Not Easily Damaged

Mixers that are dirty or have been used should be cleaned again immediately. To make it easier for you when cleaning the mixer, consider some of the tips below.

The Power Cord Must Be Unplugged

The first step you can do when cleaning the mixer is to unplug the power cord. This step is often forgotten, but it is very important to do. Before you clean the mixer, you must first unplug the power cord. You have to be careful when unplugging the cord, make sure your hands are dry. Therefore, you should first wipe your hands and wait for them to dry. The water will be able to conduct electricity to the hands which can cause electrocution. Therefore, it is highly recommended to be careful.

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Separate Each Mixer Part

After use, you should immediately clean the mixer. Do not leave the mixer dirty. If the mixer is delayed for longer to clean, then the remaining dough that is still attached to the mixer will later become hard so that it is difficult to clean. Not only that, the mixer in a dirty state will also be able to invite germs and insects that can cause disease.

You can clean it by separating each part of the mixer, such as the beater, bowl, body and neck of the mixer. Then place the whisk in the mixing bowl. You have to do this quickly so the dough doesn't drip. Then you can store it in the dishwasher.

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Soak the Mixer with Hot Water and Soap

The next step that can be done is, please fill the bowl using warm water that has been added with soap. So that the stuck dirt can be removed quickly and easily, you can add lime extract. Leave it for about 3 minutes until the dirt is gone.

Scrub the bowl, as well as the whisk, using a soft, smooth sponge. Avoid scrubbing the mixer with a coarse, wired sponge. Hard objects can scratch the mixer and damage the mixer quickly. If you have, you can immediately dry the mixer. Dry using a soft cloth. Then lastly please save.

Take advantage of the toothbrush

If the rest of the dough is still stuck and difficult to remove, you can use an unused toothbrush to scrub and remove dirt that has stuck to the mixer. You can also use a toothbrush to clean between the shakers and other hard to reach parts.

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Clean Using a Wet Cloth

The neck, as well as the mixer body usually looks clean. However, you still have to clean it because there may be splashes of dough that hit it. To clean it, you simply wipe the mixer body area, neck, bottom and around the mixer button using a damp cloth. You must first squeeze the cloth so that the water does not drip on the mixer machine later. You can use a cloth with a high absorbency so that the mixer dries quickly.

These are tips for cleaning the mixer so that it lasts a long time and is not easily damaged. May be useful.

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