Tips Or How To Process Goat Meat So It Doesn't Smell
Goat meat is one type of meat that cannot be avoided anymore, even this meat will not be forgotten especially during Eid al-Adha.
But unfortunately, processing goat meat is not as easy as processing other meats. Why is that? Because goat meat has a very strong aroma or usually called a smut smell, where this smell often interferes with enjoyment when eating it.
This scorching smell can actually be removed if we process it properly. The way of processing goat meat that is not correct, will actually add to the aroma to be more unpleasant.
Well, below are tips for processing goat meat so it doesn't smell bad.
Tips or How to Process Goat Meat So It Doesn't Smell
Wash the meat until clean
The easiest way to get rid of the musty smell of mutton is to wash it clean. The stench that appears is the smell that comes from the meat itself, but it is possible that the smell is caused by bacteria or germs.
In addition, the stench that appears is also caused by the fact that the meat is not processed quickly. Goat meat that is processed directly after slaughter will usually be the same as meat in general. Therefore, wash the goat meat that you will process under running water.
Soak first
Another way that can be done to get rid of the stench smell in goat meat is to soak it before cooking or processing it. Mix lime or lemon juice, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and pepper so that the smell of scum can be completely removed.
In addition to eliminating the smell, soaking the meat will also make it taste more delicious. In addition, the meat will also be more tender so it will be easier to eat.
Take advantage of milk
How to get rid of the stench of mutton by soaking it in certain ingredients is indeed quite effective. However, the liquid used for soaking does not just have to be made from spices, because milk can in fact be used.
In addition, the nutritional content of milk can help soften goat meat. You can soak goat meat in milk for one day and one night before processing to get maximum results.
Take advantage of yogurt
Yogurt is one ingredient that can help soften mutton. In addition, yogurt also contains many microorganisms that have various functions. Well, these microorganisms can help remove dirt and bacteria in the meat.
As with milk, you can also soak meat in yogurt and a little water for a day and night. Try not to soak the meat more than the specified time because it will destroy the meat when cooked.
Get rid of the fat
Fat that sticks to goat meat is one of the causes of the sluggish smell. Therefore, if you are going to store meat for a long time, then you can separate the meat from the fat. You have to make sure that the mutton doesn't stick to the fat.
Process it with spices
In addition to soaking beef with various types of spices to get rid of the smell, you can also use spices that have a strong aroma when cooking it. You can try the use of spices such as cloves, kaffir lime, lemongrass and cardamom to get rid of the sour smell.
That's how to get rid of the bad smell of mutton. Good luck and hopefully useful.
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