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Recipes And How To Make Sauteed Young Corn Ati Ampela Which Is Delicious, Original, Delicious But Easy

Stir-fried young corn ati gizzard dish is a delicious and delicious dish.

This dish is certainly healthy and good for digestion if consumed, because the fiber content is so high. However, when making this dish you should not cook it too long so that the vitamin content in the vegetables is not lost. For more details, let's look at the recipe for making delicious young corn ati gizzard stir fry below.

recipes and how to make sauteed young corn ati ampela which is delicious, original, delicious but easy

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make sauteed young corn ati ampela which is delicious, original, delicious but easy

4.9 187

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 Servings

The Ingredients Needed To Make Stir-fried Young Corn Ati Ampela are Delicious, Original Delicious But Easy

Stir-fry Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • 150 grams of baby corn
  • 6 pairs of chicken liver and chicken gizzard, boiled
  • 4 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 3 cm galangal, crushed
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper powder
  • 200 ml water
  • 3 lime leaves, bone removed, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons oil for frying
  • 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste, fried, mashed

How to make sauteed young corn ati ampela which is delicious, original, delicious but easy

How to Prepare Ingredients:

  1. Do the first method by first cleaning the putren corn that you have gotten from the market. To clean it, please first cut the corn into oblique and thin shapes. Or if you want another cut style, then you can adjust it to your own taste.
  2. After the corn is cut into pieces, please put the corn into a container or bowl and set aside temporarily.
  3. Next, we will cut the chicken liver and gizzard. After the liver and chicken gizzard have been boiled until cooked, remove and place on a mat.
  4. Take a knife and use this knife to cut the liver of the gizzard according to the shape and size you want. Please cut it evenly and place it back into the container.
  5. After that, wash the putren corn that you have cut into clean running water. Make sure if you clean it until clean evenly. Remove the vegetables that are being washed when they are clean and drain the washing water and set aside for a while.

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How to Make Stir-fried Corn Ati Ampela:

  1. First, please heat the pan on the stove and pour cooking oil into it, then wait until the oil is evenly heated.
  2. After that, saute the garlic until fragrant, and put the shrimp paste into it, stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  3. Add the galangal and lime leaves, stir until the spices are wilted.
  4. Put the chicken liver and chickpeas into it. Stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed and the baby corn becomes more wilted.
  5. Enter the sweet soy sauce along with salt, ground pepper and a little sugar if necessary. Stir evenly until the chicken gizzard is seasoned with sweet soy sauce.
  6. Pour a little water into it, stir and cook for a while until the spices are absorbed and the sauce boils evenly.

Once cooked, please turn off the stove and serve this stir fry into a container or plate and then this stir fry dish will be ready for you to serve to family and friends.

That's the recipe for making delicious sautéed corn, putren ati gizzard. Hopefully by listening and watching the recipe this time, you will be able to serve delicious dishes for your family at home.

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