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Tips For Choosing Healthy And Fresh Minced Meat

As we know, currently the price of meat is increasing and soaring.

Therefore, dishes made from meat are usually considered as a special menu, even only on certain occasions. Well, meat is usually processed in its own way before it's finally cooked, whether it's ground, chopped or just cut into pieces. Processing meat by chopping is a cost-effective way. Minced meat can be processed into various dishes or certain menus, you can cook it according to your taste to be served in the midst of your beloved family at home.

Compared to meat that has been cut, minced meat is exposed to more oxygen and is bulkier. Therefore, minced meat will usually be more easily discolored. In addition, this meat is also easily stale.

Choosing a good and correct minced meat must be done in order to get a healthy and nutritious dish. When buying it, you have to be able to tell which meat is still fresh or vice versa. Not many people know how to choose a good and correct minced meat. Well, you are curious and want to know what are the tips for choosing healthy and fresh minced meat? Check out the explanation below.

tips for choosing healthy and fresh minced meat

Smart Tips for Choosing Healthy and Fresh Minced Meat

  1. When choosing minced meat you have to pay attention to the color of the meat itself. Choose minced meat that has a pink color, because minced meat with such characteristics is a dging that is still fresh. If you find minced meat that has changed color or has turned gray, then you should not use the meat, because such meat is not fresh and stale. If even forced to cook will cause harmful effects to health. If the outside of the minced meat is still red, while the inside has changed color, it's a sign that the meat can still be used, as long as it doesn't exceed the expiration date. The change and color difference in minced meat is caused by differences in oxygen exposure.
  2. You should also pay attention to the aroma of the minced meat itself. Stale minced meat usually has an unpleasant aroma. When touched the meat will feel slippery or slimy.
  3. When you choose or buy minced meat at the market or supermarket, it is recommended to choose minced meat that is still neatly and tightly wrapped or the packaging is not damaged. Avoid choosing minced meat like that because it will harm health.
  4. You should also pay attention to the liquid contained in the package of minced meat. If there is a lot of water in the package, then it is a sign that the minced meat is not stored in a place that is not cold. Or maybe the meat was stored too long so that the liquid came out.

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It is much better if the minced meat is stored in the freezer if it is not going to be processed immediately. If the meat has been removed from the refrigerator, then you should immediately process the meat.

Those are tips for choosing minced meat. Easy isn't it? After knowing what the tips are and the minced meat is ready to be processed, it's time to experiment in the kitchen.

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