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Recipe For Making Spicy Spicy Fish Sepat

We will present this spicy dish in the form of salted sepat fish, which is delicious and savory when eaten.

Fish is one of the dishes that is in great demand by culinary lovers, both seawater fish and freshwater fish. However, what is commonly consumed by most Indonesians is fish that lives in fresh water. Besides being easy to get fresh water fish, it is also very cheap so that it becomes one of the choices to serve in each of your food menus. The freshwater fish that we will present are sepat fish, fish that have a unique and small shape that we encounter a lot, and usually live in groups such as in ponds, swamps, rivers and lakes. To get this sepat fish, it's a good idea to try to find it in traditional markets or in supermarkets.

We will try to present various processed dishes of salted sepat fish, one of which is spicy spiced sepat fish. The delicacy of the sepat fish coupled with a few simple spices make this dish more delicious and fresh when eaten. Curious about the recipe and how to make it, now we are trying to present a Recipe for Making Spicy Spicy Spicy Fish, let's see the steps below.

recipe for making spicy spicy fish sepat

Recipe Name

Recipe for Making Spicy Spicy Fish Sepat

4.9 198

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Spicy Spicy Spicy Fish

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 150 grams of fresh sepat fish
  • 5 red onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cm ginger, crushed
  • 1/2 cm galangal, finely sliced
  • 5 red curly chilies, roughly chopped
  • 5 green curly chilies, roughly chopped
  • 3 pieces of red cayenne pepper, roughly chopped
  • 2 tablespoons chili sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder

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How to make Spicy Spicy Spicy Fish

How to cook

  1. The first is to soak the sepat fish using warm water, so that the saltiness is slightly reduced, remove and set aside
  2. Now the cooking oil is heated first, then fry the sepat salted fish until dry, remove, drain and set aside.
  3. Next is to heat the cooking oil then cook/saute the onion and garlic until fragrant and wilted.
  4. After that add galangal and ginger, stir.
  5. Then enter the red curly chili and green curly chili, stir again until blended.
  6. After that add the chili sauce and pepper, stir again until evenly distributed.
  7. Finally, add the fried salted fish, mix well. Ripe
  8. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the recipe for making Spicy Spicy Sepat Fish that you can try to make at home. The ingredients are easy to find and the method of cooking is very simple. The delicacy of this spicy spiced sepat fish dish is very distinctive with the fragrant aroma of very simple spice ingredients but still creates a delicious and delicious taste. This spicy fried sepat fish will be very special when eaten with your beloved family. Serve this spicy fish sepat along with warm white rice plus other ingredients in the form of lalaban, such as cucumber, cabbage, bokor lettuce etc. By making this spicy spiced sepat fish dish, it will certainly add to the collection in your daily diet. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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