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Special Recipe For Delicious And Special Smoked Stingray Cooked Basil

Dishes that have soup with the basic ingredients of smoked stingrays will certainly be very special and special.

Stingrays are fish that live in sea water. This stingray is much sought after by fishermen because it has a selling value; tall one. Many culinary connoisseurs also enjoy cooking with the basic ingredients of this stingray. Stingray which is unique in shape and has a distinctive meat texture is in the form of 2 layers, the inner layer of the meat has a white color, then the outer layer has a savory fat. This stingray is also very good when consumed because it is very beneficial for the body. The content in this stingray covers such as high protein, then low fat, then there are vitamins, minerals etc.

Various types of stingray dishes are very diverse and the processing methods are very varied. There are also stingrays that are directly processed for fresh meat, then some are salted. This smoked stingray is also very common. To get this smoked stingray, of course, you can find it in traditional markets or in supermarkets. Well, for those of you who are fans of stingray dishes, we will present a very special and special dish, namely smoked stingrays cooked with basil, of course we know this basil leaf has a tempting aroma. Well, here is the Special Recipe for Delicious and Special Smoked Stingray Cooked Basil, we see the steps below.

special recipe for delicious and special smoked stingray cooked basil

Recipe Name

Special Recipe for Delicious and Special Smoked Stingray Cooked Basil

4.9 276

Cooking Time




Also Read Recipes for Making Grilled Stingray Pepes which are delicious and delicious and savory

Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients needed to make a delicious and special smoked stingray cooked basil

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 5 fresh smoked stingrays
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 2 bunches of basil leaves (take the leaves)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper powder
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 300 ml of water
  • right amount of oil

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

  • 5 red onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic#
  • 4 red chilies, fried
  • 3 candlenuts, roasted
  • 1 tsp shrimp paste, burned

How to make delicious and special smoked stingray cooked with basil

How to cook

  1. The first is to clean the smoked stingray.
  2. After that, heat the cooking oil to sauté the mashed spice ingredients, stir, then add the bay leaves, then the lime leaves and lemongrass, cook until fragrant.
  3. After that, just enter the stingray, then stir, then add sugar, then pepper and salt, stir until evenly distributed.
  4. After that, pour the water, then cook until cooked and boiling, then add the basil leaves. leave it for a while.
  5. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the Special Recipe for Delicious and Special Smoked Stingray Cooked Basil that you can try at home. Materials that are easy to find and very simple processing methods are certainly very suitable for you as a beginner. This basil-cooked smoked stingray can be served with warm white rice, which of course makes your meal even more ravenous. By making smoked stingrays cooked with basil, you will add another collection to your daily diet. good luck

Don't forget to share the Delicious and Special Recipe for Special Smoked Stingray Fish Cooked Basil to all friends and relatives who love culinary tastes, wherever they are. Don't forget to leave a comment in the column below, thank you.

Read also Recipes Rawon Stingray Spicy and Delicious

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