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Chicken Stuffed Pao Folding Recipe

Chicken Stuffed Pao Folding Recipe  – Who doesn't know the bakpao cake? This dish, which is famous for its white and thick shape, is indeed very popular in Indonesia, although according to history, bakpao originated from China.

Bakpao has a soft texture that is slightly dense with various fillings such as chicken, beef, and beans. In general, bakpao can be used as a heavy snack or dish when you hold a certain event.

In this recipe, we will make a slightly different bun. If in general, buns are round in shape with the filling hidden inside, in this recipe we will make buns with a folded shape with the filling visible from the outside.

Let's take a look at the easy chicken stuffed pao recipe to try at home!

Chicken Folding Pao Recipe

Folded pao can be a variant of snacks that you can serve when you hold an event with family or friends. This snack is classified as a heavy snack so it is also suitable for delaying your hunger. In this recipe, we will make folded pao with chicken filling added with barbecue sauce. Sounds very tempting right? Let's see the recipe!

Serving Breakfast, Snack
Chinese Cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, chicken folding pao, folding pao recipe
Cooking Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Serving 10 pieces


Ingredients for making pao skin:

  • 250 grams of low protein flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 160 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast
  • pinch of salt

Ingredients for making the pao filling:

  • 150 grams of chicken fillet then cut into cubes
  • 50 grams of ready-to-use barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 thinly sliced ​​onion
  • 30 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered broth
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • enough margarine or cooking oil for frying


How to make a folded pao filling:

  1. Prepare a frying pan or Teflon, heat margarine over low heat.

  2. Sauté the sliced ​​onions until they are golden brown and smell good. Add the diced chicken and cook until it changes color.

  3. Pour water and add all the spices and stir until evenly distributed. Cook until the chicken is cooked and the water has reduced slightly, set aside.

How to make a folded pao skin:

  1. Prepare a container, add flour, sugar, and instant yeast and mix until evenly distributed.

  2. Pour the water into the flour mixture, mix well using a spatula.

  3. Add margarine and salt and mix all ingredients by hand until a smooth dough is formed. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

  4. After 30 minutes, divide the dough into about 10 portions or about 45 grams each. Shape the dough into balls

  5. Line a cutting board or slime with parchment paper and then flatten the dough that has been shaped into several circles to form an oval using a rolling pin.

  6. Place the cut parchment paper on top of each flattened dough and fold it so that the parchment paper is on the inside of the dough. This is so that the pao skin does not stick when folded and can be filled with filling. Leave it for about 20 minutes.

  7. Prepare and heat the steamer then steam the pao skin mixture for about 15 minutes.

  8. After the pao skins are cooked, remove and remove the parchment paper from each pao skin.

  9. Put the stuffing into the skin of the pao until evenly distributed, serve.

(Also read: Mini Oreo Cheesecake Recipe)

Read also the recipe for the most delicious and delicious Eid Date Layer Cookies for Families at the Lebaran Moment

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