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Recipe For Pokcoy Seafood, The Most Delicious And Steady Sweet Oyster Sauce, Also Special And Special

Pokcoy is one type of vegetable that is still included in the type of mustard greens.

This Pokcoy or spoon mustard has wide leaves and is perfect for processing into interesting and delicious dishes. The use of pokcoy can be another option for those of you who are looking for menus made from green vegetables. You can combine this pokcoy with various other types of ingredients and create a delicious dish and tempt the appetite.

The following is a recipe for a dish made from pokcoy that tries to serve a combination of pokcoy along with seafood and wrapped with the most delicious oyster sauce seasoning. This menu is so special because the delicious seafood is present and complements the enjoyment of Pokcoy.

For those of you who are curious about the menu and how to make this pokcoy seafood menu with oyster sauce, please listen to the recipe below!

recipe for pokcoy seafood, the most delicious and steady sweet oyster sauce, also special and special

Recipe Name

Recipe for Pokcoy Seafood, the Most Delicious and Steady Sweet Oyster Sauce, also Special and Special
4.9 122

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 persons

Various Ingredients and Seasonings Needed To Make Pokcoy Seafood Serving Sweet Oyster Sauce

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 2 bunches of baby pokcoy, choose one that is still fresh and smells good, then wash and cut
  • Fresh prawns, peel the skin then wash clean
  • 2 tablespoons bottled oyster sauce
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • Right amount of oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Sugar to taste

Easy Steps to Cook Delicious Pokcoy Seafood with Oyster Sauce, the Most Delicious and Steady

Making Steps

  1. Heat cooking oil in your respective cooking pans, then sauté the onions and garlic in them when the oil starts to heat up. Saute until fragrant.
  2. After the stir fry is fragrant, then put the shrimp into your cooking pan and stir until the shrimp changes color to brown.
  3. Pour the sweet soy sauce and oyster sauce into the cooking pan, and don't forget to slowly pour a little water into your dish.
  4. When your cooking starts to smell good, start adding the prepared pokcoy and stir-fry until the seasoning absorbs perfectly.
  5. Add flavorings in the form of sugar, pepper and salt. Stir well, and taste.
  6. Thicken your dish sauce by adding cornstarch to your cooking pan. Stir until really thick and the gravy is bubbling.
  7. Lift your dish and place it on a serving plate.
  8. Give a little complementary decoration to beautify your dish.
  9. Serve the pokcoy dish while it is still warm.

Also Read Cooking Recipes and How to Make Quail Egg Pokcoy Vegetables that are Easy and Simple but Delicious and Delicious

Interested in tasting the seafood pokcoy with this delicious and steady oyster sauce seasoning? This menu is very fitting if you try to serve it to your friends and those closest to you who like processed seafood. The combination of pokcoy vegetables as the basic ingredient of the dish with the tenderness of shrimp meat provides a different experience that can cradle your tongue.

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