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Tips For Choosing Good, Fresh And Healthy Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable that is believed to have a myriad of health benefits.

Where this one vegetable can be consumed raw, it can even be processed or processed into various kinds of dishes that are so delicious, tasty and delicious. It is known that this one vegetable is very effective in preventing lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer.

It's no secret that broccoli is said to be a vegetable that contains many benefits. This cauliflower or cauliflower relative is rich in provitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid. Not only that, broccoli also contains many key minerals such as potassium, potassium, calcium, iron and selenium. We can even find other compounds in this one vegetable.

Although broccoli is rich in benefits, the fact is that broccoli also has drawbacks, where this one vegetable is known not to be durable or perishable and easily damaged. Broccoli does not have a long enough shelf life, that's why you have to be able to choose broccoli properly when buying it either in the market or at the supermarket. This is so that you don't get stuck when choosing it, if you are able to choose broccoli correctly then this can also help broccoli stay fresh and last longer.

Not many people know what the tips for choosing broccoli are good and right, that's why not a few people are just careless when choosing or buying it. However, for now all of you do not feel worried, because on this occasion we will describe what tips to choose broccoli are good, fresh and healthy for all of you.

Tips for Choosing Good, Fresh and Healthy Broccoli

  1. When choosing broccoli, it is hoped that you choose broccoli in a dry state because broccoli that contains water will cause broccoli to rot quickly. Water trapped between the broccoli florets will be difficult to get out. If necessary, after washing or when the broccoli is wet you shake it first so that the water trapped between the broccoli can come out.
  2. In addition, you also have to pay attention to the buds. Choose broccoli with florets that are still solid and buds, with greens that are still compact and dark.
  3. Never buy broccoli that has black or yellow spots on it. Because the black and yellow spots are usually caused by dirt, rot points or wilting. In addition, you should also observe the slash marks at the base of the stem. It aims to detect traces of rot in the trunk. When pressed, the rotten traces will feel soft and become watery.
  4. When buying broccoli at the market or in the supermarket, you should never hesitate to use your sense of smell. It aims to recognize signs of rot that are not visible.
  5. Meanwhile, to find out whether the broccoli you buy is fresh or vice versa, you can press the stem of the broccoli using your fingertips. Broccoli that is still fresh usually has a stem that is still hard or not soft.

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Those are the tips that you can apply when you want to choose broccoli. Hopefully with these tips you will no longer be stuck when choosing broccoli.

Come on, share or spread these tips on choosing broccoli to your friends, don't forget to include comments or opinions in the column that we present below.

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