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Simple Overlapping Sambal Recipe

Simple Sambal Tumpang Recipe – Sambal overlap is a typical chili sauce from Central Java and East Java. If chili sauce is generally made from the main ingredients of chili, onions and various other ingredients, then this one is different. Where this chili sauce is made from a combination of two types of tempeh, namely fresh tempeh and almost rotten tempeh.

This overlapping sauce can be used as a friend to eat rice with the addition of various vegetables and side dishes. The distinctive taste of tempe semangit will be combined with the savory and spicy taste of the use of various selected herbs and spices.

Simple Overlapping Sambal Recipe

Sambal overlap is made from the main ingredient of tempe, you can use two types of tempe, namely fresh tempe and semangit tempe. Tempeh that has been mashed is then sauteed with various spices and coconut milk, then given seasoning.

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords various chili recipes, chili recipes, chili sauce
Preparation Time 10 minutes
Cooking Time 15 minutes
6 servings _
Calories 104 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 100 grams of tempeh
  • 200 grams of fresh tempeh
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 6 lime leaves
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 1/4 tsp pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 750 ml coconut milk taken from 1/2 coconut
  • 2 cm galangal
  • enough cooking oil

Softened seasoning

  • 3 large red chilies
  • 3 hazelnuts _
  • 5 red onions
  • 4 cm kencur
  • 5 pieces of red chili
  • 1 tablespoon ebi
  • 4 curly red chilies
  • 3 cloves of garlic


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. The first step you have to do is to smooth the tempe that you have provided. Please puree fresh tempeh and tempeh semangit. If so, set it aside first.

  2. The next step, please remove the orange leaf bones. Then crush the ginger and galangal.

  3. After that, please roast the candlenut and ebi. Then puree the spices as mentioned above such as roasted ebi, roasted candlenut, curly red chili, large red chili, red cayenne pepper, garlic, onion and kencur.

How to Make Overlapping Sambal

  1. After all the ingredients and spices are ready, now you can immediately make the overlapping sauce. First, please prepare a frying pan and pour about 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil. Then heat it up.

  2. When the cooking oil is hot, add the ground spices along with the lime leaves, bay leaf, galangal and ginger. Saute all these spices until cooked and fragrant.

  3. When it's like that, enter the tempeh that has been mashed. Stir evenly.

  4. Add spices such as ground pepper, salt and sugar. Stir until evenly mixed.

  5. Next please pour little by little the coconut milk that you have provided. Stir well and cook while stirring until the chili is cooked and the spices are absorbed.

  6. If it's like that, please lift and serve in a serving place.

Recipe Notes

The overlapping sauce has been completed. Its distinctive taste will increase your appetite. If you want a more spicy chili dish, there's nothing wrong with adding chili according to taste. You can enjoy this sauce with a variety of boiled vegetables such as kale, long beans, kenikir, spinach, bean sprouts and so on.

That's the recipe and how to make a simple and delicious overlapping chili sauce. After knowing this recipe, now you can serve different chili dishes for your family at home. Good luck.


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