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Tips For Choosing Quality Tempeh And How To Store It So It Doesn't Go Stale

Tempe is a food that is cheap and easy to get.

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans with the help of mushrooms. Although tempeh is a simple and inexpensive food ingredient, it has a high nutritional content. Tempe contains ingredients that are needed by our body.

Besides just being fried, tempeh can also be processed into a variety of delicious dishes. Tempe can be processed into vegetables or stir-fry using selected spices that will give it a taste.

Sometimes when choosing tempe, many people find it difficult to distinguish quality tempeh and not. Well, for those of you who often experience things like that, you can see tips on choosing quality tempeh for a family meal menu below.

tips for choosing quality tempeh and how to store it so it doesn't go stale

Tips for Choosing Quality Tempe

  1. Quality tempeh is tempeh that is still new and fresh. Quality tempeh has tight and dense soybeans. You can choose tempeh like this to be processed.
  2. Choose tempe that is still fresh and new. Tempe is fresh and can only be seen from the temperature. If the temperature of the tempeh is still warm and the aroma of soybeans can still be smelled, then that is a sign that the tempeh is new and fresh.
  3. Choose tempeh that has white fibers, not black or not dark.
  4. Tempe that smells and slimy is tempeh that is stale and of poor quality. Therefore, avoid choosing tempe with such conditions.
  5. Choose and buy white tempeh. Do not choose yellow tempe, because it could contain dye.
  6. Those are some tips for choosing quality tempeh. After you get quality tempe, you also have to know the tips for storing the tempe so it doesn't go bad easily and stays healthy.

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Tips for Storing Tempe so it doesn't go stale

  1. If the tempe that you have bought is stored properly and correctly, the tempeh will have a long life or it will not spoil easily. Tempe will still be delicious and healthy even though it is stored for a long time. Well, for those of you who don't want to cook tempeh right away, you can refer to the tips on storing tempeh to keep it durable and healthy as below.
  2. Tempe that is still warm is new and still fresh. However, before storing it would be better if you aerated it first. If so, you can immediately store the tempeh in the refrigerator.
  3. When you want to store tempeh, you must leave the tempeh intact. Not opened or cut. When still intact, store tempeh in the refrigerator or refrigerator.
  4. In addition, so that tempeh remains durable and healthy, you can store it by steaming it first. Steam the tempeh for about 15 minutes. This is done to stop the fermentation process. If so, let it cool. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.
  5. To keep the tempeh healthy and delicious to eat, you can cover the chopped tempeh that has been seasoned before. The spices used are coriander, garlic and salt, all of which have been mashed. Then store the tempeh in the refrigerator.

Those are tips for choosing and storing tempeh. We hope that the tips we have provided for you are useful.

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