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A Simple Recipe And How To Make A Crispy Vanilla Soluble Squirt Cake And Melts In The Mouth

You must be very familiar with or at least have heard of a dish called simprit cake.

A syringe cake is a type of pastry that is made by spraying it with a syringe so that it has a fairly distinctive shape. In addition to its distinctive shape, the syringe cake is also known for its delicious and delicious taste, making it difficult for many people to miss this syringe when it is served.

Nowadays, there are a lot of syringe cakes that are sold in jars. Even so it might be better if we try to make it yourself at home. Therefore, this time there is a delicious syringe cake recipe that you can try to make. Here's a delicious vanilla soluble syringe cake recipe that you can try. Read the recipe and the following steps for making it first and good luck.

a simple recipe and how to make a crispy vanilla soluble squirt cake and melts in the mouth

Recipe Name

Simple Recipes and How to Make Crispy Vanilla Soluble Squirt Cakes and Melts in the Mouth
4.7 97

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 pans

Ingredients needed to make a Crispy Vanilla Soluble Squirt Cake Recipe that melts in the mouth

The main ingredient

  • 350 grams of soluble flour, roast first
  • 3 eggs take only the yolk
  • 1 egg only take the white part
  • Cheddar cheese to taste, grated
  • 100 grams of medium protein flour
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla powder
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar
  • 50 grams margarine
  • 250 grams of butter

Simple Steps in Making and Processing Vanilla Soluble Squirt Cake Recipes that are Crispy and Melt in the Mouth

How to Process a Squirt Cake

  1. Take a container that is large enough, then you put in some ingredients, among others, margarine, butter, sugar, vanilla and eggs. Beat all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
  2. After all the ingredients are mixed, continue by adding the flour little by little into the previous mix.
  3. Stir all the ingredients until they are stable enough, make sure the dough is not too runny but also not too hard so that it can be formed into a cake later.
  4. After it is stable enough, you put it in a plastic that has a hole at the end and a syringe is also attached. Set aside.
  5. Take the baking sheet that you want to use for baking then you spread margarine on the top so that the cake does not stick to the pan.
  6. Start arranging and shaping the cake dough by spraying it directly on the top of the pan.
  7. Leave enough distance when forming the dough on the baking sheet so that it doesn't overlap one another.
  8. After all the dough is made and shaped on a baking sheet, sprinkle grated cheese on top of the dough.
  9. Put in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes at 150 degrees.
  10. After your cake is cooked, then continue to remove and cool it for a while.
  11. Once it feels cool enough you can put it in an airtight jar to make it last longer.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Nastar Basket Cakes that are Delicious and Melt in the Mouth

That's a recipe that you can try, namely the vanilla soluble syringe cake. This one cake recipe is indeed fairly simple and quite easy, even you can then create it according to the taste and taste of each. With this recipe, you don't have to go out to buy more soluble syringes if you want to taste them, you can make your own at home and provide as much stock as you want.

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