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Vegetable Nugget Recipes, Delicious And Practical Healthy Nugget Variations

Vegetable Nugget Recipe - Vegetable nuggets are a healthy menu option that you can easily make at home. With the addition of various vegetables, of course the nutrients obtained will be more complete and varied. The addition of vegetables will also make the taste of these vegetable nuggets more delicious.

How to make vegetable nuggets is easy and practical with easily available ingredients. The main ingredients for making vegetable nuggets are ground chicken with additional vegetables such as carrots and spinach. If you want more variety, you can add various other vegetables according to taste.

Also read: How to Make Fried Capcay

Curious about what ingredients are needed and want to try making them at home? Let's see the recipe for vegetable nuggets below.

Vegetable Nugget Recipes, Delicious and Practical Healthy Nugget Variations

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords healthy food, healthy cooking, healthy cooking recipes
Preparation Time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour 15 minutes
14 servings _
Calories 60 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 75 grams of ground chicken
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 100 grams of carrots
  • 15 grams of cornstarch
  • 50 grams of medium protein flour
  • 2 eggs _
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • onion _ _
  • 1 teaspoon pepper powder
  • teaspoon nutmeg powder
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • enough cooking oil

Materials for Dyeing

  • 40 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 egg whites
  • 75 grams of bread flour


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. The first step you have to do is brew the spinach that has been prepared. Then chop coarsely.

  2. Next, please grate the carrots roughly. Then beat the eggs.

  3. Then finely chop the onion and mince the garlic.

  4. For the egg as a dye, please shake it off.

How to Make Vegetable Nuggets

  1. After all the ingredients are ready, you can immediately make vegetable nuggets. Prepare a container and add all the ingredients. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

  2. Take a baking sheet, then please line it with plastic.

  3. The dough that you have made, please pour it into the pan. After that, please level it.

  4. The dough in the pan, please steam until cooked or about 30 minutes. If it is cooked, you can remove it and let it sit for a while to cool.

  5. After that, please take it out and you can cut it into the shape and size according to your taste.

  6. Take a frying pan and pour cooking oil. Heat cooking oil until bubbling.

  7. While waiting for the oil to heat up, please coat the nuggets with flour. Then dip in egg white, then coat with breadcrumbs.

  8. Then fry the nuggets in hot oil until they turn brown in color and are cooked through. Once cooked, remove and drain.

  9. Finally, you can serve it in a serving place. Nuggets can be enjoyed with chili sauce or tomato sauce according to taste.

Tips for Making Vegetable Nuggets

There are several tips that you can follow when making vegetable nuggets like the following.

  • Before frying you can store the nuggets in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This is done so that the bread flour can stick well.
  • If you're not going to fry them right away, you can coat the nuggets and place them in an airtight container. Then store in the freezer.

See also: Stir-fried Broccoli Cauliflower Recipe

The vegetable nuggets are done. You can enjoy it with a plate of warm rice. You can also make these vegetable nuggets as stock for the menu. If you are lazy to make complicated dishes, you can fry these nuggets. In addition, you can also make these vegetable nuggets for school supplies or lunch for the office. Good luck at home.

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