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Tips For Using A Good And Correct Pressure Cooker

The pressure cooker is one of the most familiar cooking tools for all of us.

Cooking using a pressure cooker will result in healthy food. The reason is, the nutritional content contained in food will be maintained so that the food will be healthier when consumed. Cooking using a pressure cooker is actually easier and more practical, so your work will become easier. Cooking in a pressure cooker will cook faster and the food will be more tender. Cooking using a pressure cooker will save on gas fuel.

However, not everyone knows how to use a pressure cooker properly and correctly so they cannot take advantage of its advantages and disadvantages. Using a pressure cooker properly and correctly will maximize its performance, besides that you will also avoid unwanted things. Use a pressure cooker to be more careful, because a pressure cooker is different from an ordinary pan. So what are the tips for using a pressure cooker properly and correctly? To find out, you can see directly the discussion below.

tips for using a good and correct pressure cooker

Tips for Using a Good and Correct Pressure Cooker

  1. The first time you have to check the pressure cooker that you will use. Before using the pressure cooker, it must be clean, both outside and inside. Make sure that there is no food left in the pan or any dirt stuck to the edges or lid of the pot. The pot is not damaged, and the rubber ring must be in good condition. It should fit the size of the pot lid, not brittle or cracked.
  2. You have to make sure that the pot is filled with water. For the amount of water itself has a minimum amount.
  3. Do not use the pan to fill food more than two-thirds of the size of the pan itself. This is done to avoid excessive steam pressure during cooking. As for dishes that produce broth or foam, the maximum filling is half of the capacity of the pot.
  4. When using it and the steam pressure has been reached, you can immediately reduce the heat.
  5. You have to pay attention to the cooking time of each particular type of food. You have to cook with a predetermined time. The reason is, if you cook the food for too long, then most likely the food will become mushy like porridge.
  6. When cooking you do not open the lid of the pot until the pressure from inside the pan is released. This is done to avoid things that are not desirable. There are several ways that you can do, namely removing the pot in a natural way, namely lifting the pressure cooker from the stove, then letting the pan cool. Another way you can do is, open the safety valve of the pan until the steam runs out. Only after that, you can open the lid of the pot.

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When using a pressure cooker for cooking, the results may vary. This is based on the quality of the pressure cooker used. To give good results, then you should use a pan that has good quality.

Those are tips for using a pressure cooker properly and correctly. May be useful.

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