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Recipe For Stamina & Immune Strengthening Drinks According To Dr Zaidul Akbar

We can't deny, the Corona Virus outbreak brings concern to the community. Various ways are done to avoid the Corona virus, including by consuming herbal plants. Even since the Corona virus has spread to various regions in Indonesia, herbal plants are much sought after because they are believed to be able to prevent COVID-19.

Herbal plants are known to prevent the Corona virus because they can help increase immunity. Then the herbal plants that are believed to be able to prevent the Corona virus are called empon-empon. Herbal plants including empon-empon themselves consist of ginger, temulawak, kencur, turmeric and lemongrass.

Ginger has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties so it is good for maintaining the immune system. While turmeric contains curcumin which is useful as an anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antioxidant. While kencur bisan is used as a traditional medicine that can treat coughs.

Well, the recipe from Dr. Zaidul Akbar, herbal plants that are processed into drinks that can help prevent the Corona virus include turmeric, lime, galangal and secang wood. You can easily make stamina and immune boosting drinks at home. The ingredients are simple and the method is easy to make. Well, here's a complete recipe and how to make a stamina and immune booster drink from herbal plants.

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Recipe for Stamina & Immune Strengthening Drinks According to Dr. Zaidul Akbar

Serving Drinks
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords herbal drink, healthy drink, traditional drink
Preparation Time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 20 minutes
2 serving


Materials needed

  • 1 big thumb of galangal
  • 1/2 - 1 lime
  • 1-2 index turmeric
  • 300 ml water
  • 5-7 cups _


How to Make Stamina and Immune Strengthening Drinks

  1. First of all, first clean the ingredients you have prepared such as turmeric, secang, and galangal. You can wash these materials until clean. Then drain.

  2. Next, please slice the galangal and turmeric. If not, you can grate the ingredients.

  3. Then boil water as much as 300 ml. Then boil with the ingredients that you have grated, along with a cup. Boil for about 2 to 3 minutes.

  4. If you have low blood pressure, you can add a spoonful of himalayan salt. Stir again until smooth and boiling.

  5. Then you can lift it. You can drink it 1 to 2 times a day before you eat.

Secang wood has good benefits for health, some of which are increasing endurance and as an anti-inflammatory so it is good for warding off the Corona virus. In addition, it is also useful as an anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, lowers blood sugar, and maintains liver health.

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While some of the benefits of galangal include being rich in antioxidants that can make galangal efficacious in fighting disease, as well as protecting damaged body cells caused by free radicals. The polyphenol content in galangal can help lower blood sugar, cholesterol and improve memory. In addition, galangal is useful for lowering the risk of cancer, helps protect the body from dangerous infections, fights inflammation and so on.

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That's the recipe for stamina and immune booster drinks according to Dr. Zaidul Akbar. You can easily make it at home because the ingredients you need are also easy to find. We hope that the information we have provided for you is useful.

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