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Effective Tips For Washing Vegetables And Fruits To Be Completely Free Of Germs

Eating vegetables and fruit is something that everyone should do. Because when we consume these vegetables and fruits, we will get various kinds of content that are beneficial for our bodies.

Vegetables and fruits do have a lot of nutrients and vitamins, but on the other hand, consuming vegetables and fruits will cause disease if we consume them in an unhygienic state. To determine whether the vegetables and fruit that we want to consume are hygienic, then one way that can be done is to wash them first.

However, in fact washing with water alone is not enough. Therefore, other ways are needed so that the vegetables and fruits we consume are completely free of germs and bacteria.

According to some sources, one of the ways that can be done when washing vegetables and fruit to be free from bacteria and germs is to use vinegar. Well, to find out how, you can immediately see the discussion below.

effective tips for washing vegetables and fruits to be completely free of germs

Effective Tips for Washing Vegetables and Fruits to be Completely Free of Germs

Vinegar and Water

Washing vegetables using only water is not enough, therefore more methods are needed. One effective way to wash vegetables so that they are completely free from germs is that you can use vinegar and water. In this way, the vegetables will be clean and free from germs caused by insecticides and pesticides.

The method is quite easy, you just mix vinegar in water in a 1:3 ratio. Put this mixture in a spray bottle, then spray into the vegetables and fruit you are about to cook. Leave it for about 30 seconds. Only after that, you can immediately rinse.

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Soak in vinegar solution

In addition to the above method, you can also do this method when washing vegetables or fruit because when you clean vegetables and fruit that have a fairly hard texture, cleaning by spraying vinegar alone is not enough. Therefore, you have to soak it in a mixture of vinegar and water for a few more moments.

Vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli are examples of vegetables that need to be cleaned this way. You can soak these vegetables for about half an hour, then after that you can rinse them using cold water. This method is proven to be effective in eliminating bacteria and germs present in these vegetables.

Wash vegetables and fruit with vinegar

Before you eat fruit, it will be better if you make sure in advance that the fruit is free from bacteria or germs. You don't want to eat unhygienic fruit, do you? For this reason, you have to wash it using a vinegar solution with a ratio of 1:3. Then rinse using clean water for several times until the fruit or vegetable is completely clean. After that, you will be safe to consume fruits.

Choose vegetables and fruits that have good quality

Washing fruits and vegetables will really get results if when you buy them you choose vegetables and fruits that have good quality and quality. This means that the vegetables and fruit are still fresh, not wilted and not rotten. When you choose fresh vegetables and fruits and wash them before processing, you will certainly be free from germs and disease.

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Hopefully the tips that we present are useful to make your work easier. Good luck.

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