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Smart Tips For Storing Vegetables To Make It Last Longer And Stay Fresh

Vegetables are one of the menus that are required to be present at the dining table.

Therefore, many housewives deliberately buy vegetables in larger quantities as stock. Because they are not processed immediately, the vegetables become rotten and do not last long, so that many vegetables are wasted in vain.

Well, for now you don't have to worry, because there are tips for storing vegetables to make them more durable and not easily wilted.

smart tips for storing vegetables to make it last longer and stay fresh

Smart Tips for Storing Vegetables to Last Longer and Stay Fresh

1. Be smart when buying vegetables

When you want to buy vegetables as inventory, then you have to list them first. It would be better if you made a small table to make it easier for yourself when recording what vegetables you will buy for supplies.

After getting a list of vegetables, when you buy them you have to be more careful. Where do you buy fresh vegetables? Avoid buying vegetables that are not fresh, because that will make the vegetables not last long.

2. Wash the vegetables you just bought

If you have got all the vegetables you need, don't forget to wash them according to their type. For example, for the green vegetable group, and for other vegetables such as chayote, carrots, radishes, eggplant, chicory and others, it is hoped that they are washed one by one to make them really clean. As for vegetables that are easily mushy like Oyong, then you only need to wash them 2 times or rinse them, because these vegetables already have a lot of water content. Vegetables that have been washed should not be stored immediately, but drained first.

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3. Do not store vegetables that have been cut

Avoid storing vegetables when they are cut into pieces, because storing vegetables whole will make the vegetables last longer.

4. Make sure whether the refrigerator is clean or not

When you want to store vegetables in the refrigerator or refrigerator, you must first make sure whether the refrigerator is clean or vice versa, and also make sure that the refrigerator is at the right temperature. The refrigerator is a great place to store vegetables because the temperature inside is cool and cool. The temperature in the refrigerator should be between 1-4 degrees Celsius. If it is higher than that, it will cause bacteria to develop which will affect the taste and aroma of the food stored in it, while if it is lower than that, it will freeze the vegetables.

5. Arrange vegetables properly in the refrigerator

  • You have to know what it looks like and how to properly arrange vegetables in the refrigerator. The refrigerator has a cupboard pocket that is stored in the door which is usually used to store eggs or drinks, a refrigerator body such as a stacked shelf and a freezer section.
  • Well, the part that is very suitable to be used for storing vegetables is the body of the refrigerator. In the body of the refrigerator, you have to arrange vegetables properly and correctly.
  • In general, refrigerators have 4 floors, where the bottom floor is used to store green leafy vegetables or groups of green vegetables, because it is located at the bottom and has a stable cold temperature. You are expected to arrange green vegetables neatly and sleep vertically so that you can fit more vegetables.
  • For the 2nd floor you can use it to store vegetables that have low water content such as carrots, cabbage, long beans, beans and so on. The temperature on the 2nd floor is usually not too cold because it is not close to the cooler on the 4th floor.
  • For the 3rd floor you can use it to store spices, such as onions, garlic and others.
  • For the 4th floor you can use it to store vegetables with high water content because the temperature on the 4th floor is cooler than the other temperatures. Vegetables with high water content such as eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, chilies, peppers and vegetables which when stored will release water.

6. Put the vegetables in a plastic bag

Before storing, it would be better if the vegetables were first put in a perforated plastic. Storing vegetables in plastic is also one of the right ways to keep vegetables from being easily damaged, because when vegetables are wrapped in plastic and stored in the refrigerator, the loss of vegetable moisture will be reduced. If stored without being put in plastic, the vegetables will dry out more easily.

Those are tips for storing vegetables so that they last longer. Good luck.

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