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Tips For Cleaning And Cooking Shrimp So They Don't Smell Fishy

Shrimp is a food ingredient that is liked by many people, because besides being nutritious when processed, shrimp will produce a dish that is so delicious and delicious.

Shrimp can be processed into a variety of dishes according to what we want. Because shrimp-based dishes are included in special dishes, therefore the price of shrimp is quite expensive compared to other seafood.

Well, when processing shrimp we need to pay attention to certain tips so that the resulting preparation is perfect. Before being cooked or processed, of course, the shrimp must be washed or cleaned first. However, most people find it difficult to clean it because the fishy smell attached to the shrimp is difficult to remove. Cleaning shrimp is not easy. However, once you know the tips and tricks, cleaning shrimp becomes an easy activity to do. Curious as to what tips to clean shrimp? To find out, see the direct discussion below.

tips for cleaning and cooking shrimp so they don't smell fishy

Tips for cleaning shrimp so they don't smell fishy

  1. The first step you have to do is prepare the shrimp that you will clean. Put the shrimp to be cleaned earlier into the container. Then wash it with clean water to remove all the dirt that sticks to the shrimp.
  2. If the prawns are clean, you can soak the prawns in water previously added with about 1 tablespoon of lime juice. Soak the prawns in the water for about 5 minutes. Lime is indeed believed to be effective in eliminating the fishy smell of food, both meat, seafood and so on.
  3. After the shrimp is soaked, you can immediately remove the skin and head. However, if you like the part you don't throw it away and leave it alone because shrimp shells actually have benefits.
  4. After that, cut the belly of the shrimp using a sharp knife so that the shrimp meat is not crushed. Slice the shrimp belly down to the tail to a depth of 1/2 cm. After the shrimp is sliced, you will see the belly of the shrimp that resembles a black thread.
  5. Remove the insides of the prawns. You have to pull it slowly so that the contents of the stomach do not break. The reason is, if the contents of the stomach are broken it will be difficult to return when removing feces.
  6. Do the same steps for all the shrimp that you will clean. If you have done these steps and all the shrimp have been successfully removed, you can rinse the shrimp again using clean water twice.

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Shrimp Cooking Tips

Shrimp that you have cleaned can be processed according to your taste. Which prawns you can process by roasting, boiling or frying. Before peeling, the shrimp will of course be boiled first. Well, when you boil it, don't wait until the water boils so that the shrimp shells are easier to peel. If you are going to fry the cleaned prawns, then don't fry the frozen prawns. If the prawns are stored in the freezer, before frying them you must first let them come to room temperature. If the shrimp has melted, you can immediately wipe it with a tissue. Only after that, you can immediately fry it.

Those are tips for cleaning and cooking shrimp. May be useful.

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