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Recipe For Making Basil Beef Pepes With Delicious Spices And Easy Ways

Enjoy the moment of dining together with the family with a special menu of meat dishes with such a special taste.

Pepes meat basil is a menu of meat dishes that we will share this time. Besides being delicious and so delicious, this dish is quite easy to make yourself at home.

Well, for those of you who are currently curious to know how the recipe and how to load basil beef peppers with special spices. Let's look at the following recipe.


recipe for making basil beef pepes with delicious spices and easy ways

Recipe Name

Recipe for Making Basil Beef Pepes with Delicious Spices and Easy Ways

4.6 78

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

6 Packs

The Ingredients Needed To Make Beef Basil Pepes with Delicious Seasonings and the Easy Way

Main Ingredients for Beef Basil Pepes:

  • 300 grams minced beef
  • 1 scallion, thinly sliced
  • 2 basil leaves, use the leaves only
  • Sticks to embed
  • Enough banana leaves to wrap

Minced Beef Pepes Seasoning:

  • 4 curly red chilies
  • 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar (combed)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 cloves of red onion

Complementary Seasonings For Basil Beef Pepes:

  • 10 whole chilies
  • 6 bay leaves, torn
  • Salt to taste
  • sugar to taste
  • white pepper powder to taste

How to Make Basil Beef Pepes with Delicious Spices and Easy Ways

How to Make Basil Pepes Meat Dough:

  1. The first step that can be done first to start the steps in this recipe is to put the minced meat into a basin or container and add it along with the spices that have been mashed.
  2. Stir all the ingredients that are included together with the minced meat and stir using a spoon or a spoon, making sure that all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  3. Enter the basil leaves along with the salt, sugar, ground pepper and stir again until thoroughly mixed. Putting basil in the minced meat mixture is added so that the Pepes made have a delicious and delicious aroma.

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How to Cook Basil Spai Beef Pepes:

  1. Temporarily set aside the meat mixture if it has been seasoned and mixed with basil. Next we will prepare the leaf to wrap it.
  2. The trick, take a banana leaf that has been prepared, tear it to a sufficient size and clean the leaf by wiping it with a clean cloth and make sure that the leaves are cleaned thoroughly. Apart from that, we will be using banana leaves on the greener part which is more faded, so clean this part thoroughly.
  3. If necessary, dry the leaves first so that when they are folded it becomes easier and the leaves are not easily torn when given a stick as a pin.
  4. When finished, now take the dough to taste about 2 full spoons and place it in the middle of the leaf and add the cayenne pepper on top along with the bay leaf. Wrap and pin a stick at each end.
  5. Next, steam the Pepes dough that has been wrapped in a pot or pan that has been given water. Then steam for about 45 minutes.

If the pepes steam is cooked, then remove the pepes from the steamer by using tongs so it doesn't get hot in the hands and serve it in a container with holes at the bottom, let the water dripping on the pepes drain first. Only then can you serve it to your beloved family.

That's the recipe and how to make delicious and delicious basil beef, hopefully this recipe can be practiced at home easily and simply.

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